[GFI Training] Partnering to grow your business

Ethos Term Life Insurance Living benefits, elevated risk options, and more.

Products that fit your clientʼs needs Select the product youʼd like to start an application for and if your client isnʼt a right fit, weʼll reroute them to another product. Zero case management What used to take weeks or months, can now be done in minutes with our agent-assisted application. Over 90% instant decision* Our quick application gives your clients an on-the-spot decision with affordable coverage options and no medical exams. Riders & perks Offer living benefits, return of premium, coverage up to $2M, and free estate planning tools with every policy.

John Hancock Simple Term w/ Vitality & ROP

Ethos Term Life - Choice w/ living benefits

TruStage TM Term Life

Ethos Term Life - Prime

Risk class

Best risk

Moderate risk

Best to Moderate risk

Best to Moderate risk








$50K-$1M $5K-$300K


Term length

10 to 30 yrs

10 to 30 yrs

Annually renewable to age 80

25 & 30 yr. Renewable through age 94

UW decision

90% instant decision

90% instant decision

100% instant decision

100% instant decision

*From ages 20-85. Averaged across ages.

Note: John Hancock Simple Term with Vitality not available to all partners.



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