[GFI Training] Partnering to grow your business

You know how to sell life insurance. Here are some conversation starters for estate planning. Questions to ask about estate planning

Have you created or updated a will or trust in the last three years?

Don’t have a will or trust? We recommend everyone have a will at minimum because it allows you to decide who’ll receive what you own when you pass away. It also designates guardians for your children should you pass away when they’re minors. If you don't have a will in place, the state you reside in will determine how your property is divided and who takes care of your children.

Already created one? We recommend that our customers update their will after any major life event—large purchase, dependents turning 18, the birth of a child—or every three years, whichever comes first.

Beyond a will, have you thought about other important estate planning products? Living trust Do you want to provide all of your assets as a lump sum to your heirs when you pass away, or do you want some assets to be for specific things (like college) or distributed over time?

Medical consent Have you written down your wishes in case you become medically incapacitated?

Power of attorney Have you and your spouse created a power of attorney agreement to allow someone to make decisions on your behalf in case you aren’t around or are incapacitated?



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