Adult Student Handbook 2024/25
CityPlym Community pport Hub
To equip our adult students with everything you need to succeed during your time at the College, our award-winning CityPlym Community Support Hub offers mentorship, guidance, pastoral care, advice and all kinds of practical support if you need it.
CityPlym Community Support Hub
Pastoral support
Household help and fuel poverty Whether your family is struggling to keep up with the costs of heating, or you’re unable to access day to day essentials, please speak to us about how we can support you if financial hardship is impacting your living situation. Homelessness If you’re facing homelessness, please speak to us for support. We will be able to help you with practical items like food and clothing, as well as with support to access the right services.
This service provides help and support with things like relationship problems, sexual health, pregnancy testing, pregnancy support, eating disorders, body image, self harm, loneliness, stress, anxiety, referrals to other services, and more.
College Foodbank
If you’re facing financial hardship and poverty, we’re here to make sure you don’t go hungry. Our foodbank service provides fresh, frozen and dry provisions as well as food vouchers to help in emergencies. We also have a plentiful supply of clothing and personal hygiene products which are easily accessible via this service.
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