Simplifying the Crediting Strategy Labyrinth

4. With the small portion of funds not used to secure your principal, the Insurer makes investments in the "direction of an index" (basket) of stocks; not an investment in stocks per se, but an investment in the direction of that index.

Remember, Your Principal Has Already Been Guaranteed Each Year Before that Investment !

The Insurance Company's ' investments in the direction of an index' are actually a sophisticated mechanism in the financial world known as 'options trading' . The Index annuity industry is therefore actively exercising the options markets as means to extract growth out of the market without risking your principal.

On the next page you can see some of the indices used by Insurers to Extract this Growth; (WARNING - this is where it can become confusing - but it does not have to be !)

START BY ORDERING a Company Illustration for an INDEXED ANNUITY to Determine if it is an appropriate GROWTH VEHICLE for your circumstances

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