So, I know My Principal is Protected, But What Can I Earn in an Indexed Annuity ?

Earnings Possibilities are "CREDITING STRATEGY"-SPECIFIC Have you received your Company - Approved Illustration Yet ? Order Here

Crediting Strategy Methodologies are designed to "beat the bank" (in terms of safe alternatives). So, although double digit returns are possible with index annuities, YOU MUST UNDERSTAND how yields are acquired within index plans and how the insurer guarantees your principal and past earnings within your contract. Here are some items you should ask your agent about when considering an index annuity contract:

Can I get my Crediting Rates Locked in for the Term? YES !

How long have the Crediting Strategies in this Contract been in existence ?

Does my contract offer fixed rates as well?

How Many Crediting Strategies are traditional (S&P, DOW, NASDAQ) versus the "new algorithms"?

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