communautaire Le lien community link The Seaway Lions Club Dinner meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month at 5:45 p.m. at the Navy Club, 6th Street. Toastmasters Club The club offers the opportunity to learn communication skills and provides a practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the St. Lawrence College-Room 3150 Le choix de l’évêque L’évêque Marcel Damphousse présen- tera le Pope John Paul II du 4 au 10 avril prochain au cinéma Port. Pour la somme de 10$, vous pouvez assister à sois la présentation de 14 h00 le 7 avril ou aux multiples présentations du 4 au 10 avril débutant à 19 h15. La Croix-Rouge canadienne Le programme de transport de la Croix- Rouge est à la recherche de bénévoles. Pour de plus amples détails, les intéres- sés sont priés d’appeler Sarah Wallace en composant le 613 932-0231, poste 2240 The Canadian Mental Health Associa- tion is focusing on fitness. Every Monday, from 10:30 a.m. to noon, a club walk is organized, followed by a healthy snack. More information is available by contact- ing Kristyn at 613 933-5845 extension 238 The Canadian Mental Health Association
Six time medalist visits Cornwall
cally different or of a dif- ferent sexual orientation. He showed the students slides of a young man with piercings, and a young lady with a spiky punk hairdo – noting these kids might unfairly be targeted by bullies. “If we were all the same, what would the world be like, boring?” he said. “If you don’t want to live in a boring world why are we picking on each other for being different?” Despite the fact that ev- eryone in the gymnasium agreed, bullying is perva- sive in Canadian schools. In fact, Neuts told the grades 7 to 9 students he was speaking with in his afternoon session, an es- timated 225,000 incidents of bullying happen in Canadian secondary schools annually. “You are just as guilty as the bully,”he said of bystanders. “If you’re not part of the so- lution, you are part of the problem. If you want to shut us adults up, stand up and do the right thing when you see bullying.”
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
CORNWALL | Mike Neuts knows too well the pain that bullying can cause. His son Myles was literally bullied to death over a $10 bet. The retired Chatham-area resi- dent implored students at Cornwall Col- legiate and Vocational School (CCVS) on March 21, to stand up against bully- ing, and to “care, make friends and make peace.” If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem Mike Neuts Neuts visited CCVS to tell the tragic story of how bullying tragically affected his fam- ily. On February 6, 1998, Neuts’ son, Myles, a grade 5 student, was found hanging on a coat hook in the washroom of his Chatham public school. He had been the victim of two bullies who thought they were having fun with a simple prank. The prank went horribly wrong, with Myles choking on his collar and necklace. Myles was rushed to hospital and later to a regional trauma centre. Six days later, Neuts and his wife made the difficult deci- sion to take him off life support. Neuts believes the 11 and 12-year-old boys who hung his son on a hook in the bathroom did so to discourage Myles from collecting $10 he had won in a bet with the 11 year-old, making it a case of bullying gone terribly wrong. The tragedy prompted Neuts to launch the Make Children Better Now Associa- tion. Among other things, the association is dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of bullying and to raising money to donate special collapsible coat hooks to
Submitted photo
Mike Neuts shares the story of how his son Myles died after being bullied over a $10 bet, during a presenta- tion at the Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School on March 21.
schools. If anything weighing more than 26 pounds is loaded on these special hooks, they will collapse. The hooks have been donated to reduce the chance of a similar tragedy affecting another child. Neuts encouraged children to think how unfair the rationale for bullying really is – particularly bullying someone who is physi-
Une piscine, située dans le parc Riverdale et construite il y a plus de 50 ans, sera rem- placée l’été prochain par un parc de jets d’eau. «La piscine est devenue trop âgée, a expliqué Christine Lefebvre, directrice des parcs pour la ville. Nous ne pouvons même plus obtenir de pièces pour la réparer.» Bien que plusieurs résidents du quartier River- dale se disent frustrés, Mme Lefebvre a expliqué que la fermeture fait partie d’un plan rédigé par la Ville en 2009. Celui-ci aurait pour mission de forcer la fermeture de toute piscine étant devenue trop âgée. Déjà, deux piscines auraient été démolies. Les frais de construction d’une nouvelle piscine sont estimés à 800 000$, comparativement à 350 000$ pour un parc à jets d’eau. (FR) Une piscine de moins pour Cornwall
Le Comité de gouvernance de l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall est à la recherche de candidates et de candidats bénévoles pour combler des postes vacants au Conseil d’administration
The Governance Committee of the Cornwall Community Hospital is seeking candidates for vacant positions on the volunteer Hospital Board of Directors
L’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall assure les services de soins actifs et est gouverné par un conseil composé de douze bénévoles élus et six administrateurs nommés d’office. Les membres doivent assister aux réunions du conseil d’administration ainsi qu’à toute réunion ordinaire des comités. À titre de bénévoles d’une société de bienfaisance, les membres du conseil d’administration ne sont pas rémunérés pour leurs services. Les administrateurs seront choisis selon leurs compétences, leur expérience et leurs qualités personnelles. L’Hôpital vise un équilibre au sein du conseil tout en tenant compte des besoins uniques de la Société au moment voulu. Les personnes qui veulent poser leur candidature au conseil d’administration doivent se procurer un formulaire de demande en communiquant avec nous : Tél. : (613) 938-4240, poste 2262 Téléc. : (613) 930-4502 communications@cornwallhospital.ca La date d’échéance pour les mises en candidature est le vendredi 18 avril 2014.
Cornwall Community Hospital provides acute care hospital services and is governed by a board of twelve elected volunteers and six ex-officio directors. Board members are expected to attend meetings of the Board, as well as regular committee meetings. As volunteer directors of a charitable corporation, board members are not paid for their services. Directors will be selected according to their skill, experience and personal qualities. The hospital seeks a balance within the board while considering unique requirements of the corporation at the time. Individuals who wish to be considered as a candidate for membership on the Board of Directors are requested to obtain an application form by contacting us: Tel: (613) 938-4240, Ext. 2262 Fax: (613) 930-4502 communications@cornwallhospital.ca The deadline for applications is Friday, April 18, 2014. F186441_TS
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