Ethos Rewards Program

Ethos believes in recognizing hard work, and that's why we present our Rewards program— a testament to your efforts. U Score a cash bonus up to 25% Rewards are in cash, so you can use them however you want - whether it’s to buy leads, fund that vacation, or buy the new car you’ve been eyeing, U Earn additional perks More quality production means more benefits! Get access to free leads, marketing consultation, early product access, special incentives, exclusive trips and more.G U Qualify with fewer sales The minimum Issued Premium required to qualify is significantly lower than other programs, so you have a higher chance of getting rewarded.

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Quali fi cation n f Issued Premium : Reach minimum Issued Premium required within a tier during the program period. Eligibility starts J an 1, 2024, f A ctivation rate : A ll agents must maintain a 6 5 % activation rate.G f Persistency : A gents must maintain a persistency rate based on when they activated their first policy with Ethos :

Agent’s first Ethos policy activated between:

Persistency requirement

4/1/24 - 7/31/24

Not eligible for the 1H ‘24 agent rewards program

12/1/23 - 3/31/24

4-month persistency rate of 90%+

7/1/23 - 11/30/23

7-month persistency rate of 8 0% or better

Before 6/30/23

13-month persistency rate of 70% or better

Agent use only . The Ethos Rewards program is for F amily F irst L ife agents only. A ny agent that has rolled debt to an upline will not qualify for rewards. Reward payments will first be offset towards outstanding debt before being paid out to the agent. C ontrolled business does not qualify. Policies terminated after the free-look period may be sub j ect to commission chargebacks. The program runs for six months. W hen the program ends on 6/30, we will make a retroactive payment in A ugust for the policies eligible based on the bonus tier the agent achieved in J anuary to J une 2024. A dditional benefits ( e.g. lead credits ) will also be disbursed in A ugust. Y ou must activate your first policy before 3/31/2024 to be eligible for a bonus based on H1 ( 1/1/24 - 6/30/24 ) production. O nly policies that stay active through one month after the end of the program period ( 7/31/2024 ) and are not found to involve mis-selling, will be counted towards the annual premium count. C ontrolled business ( policies for yourself ) does not qualify for the bonus payment. C ontrolled business ( policies for yourself ) does not qualify for the bonus payment. Y ou must be contracted and in good standing with Ethos at the time of payout. Bonuses may be charged back if policies are terminated retroactively as the result of a rescission. The payout will be reported to you as taxable income on IR S F orm 1099. The following products are included in each category : Ethos Term L ife - Prime, Ethos Term L ife - S pectrum, Ethos I UL , Tru S tage A dvantage W hole L ife, Tru S tage Guaranteed A cceptance W hole L ife. W e will be actively monitoring business quality/fraud and reserve the right to i ) remove any agents from the incentive program, ii ) terminate agents from accessing Ethos products.

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