South Windsor Neck & Back - May 2018

W e’ve all walked into our kitchens, looked at the dishes stacked high in the sink, and asked, “Is it better to throw those in the dishwasher or wash them by hand?”The dishwasher would certainly save you some time, but many people believe that washing dishes by hand uses less water and electricity. In reality, however, washing your dishes by hand is one of the worst things you can do for both the planet and your wallet. Dishwashers use less water than washing by hand. A study conducted in Europe found that individuals who wash dishes by hand tend to use 27 gallons of water to clean just 12 place settings. Meanwhile, modern dishwashers only use 6 gallons of water, and Energy Star appliances use as little as 4 gallons during their wash cycle. The Environmental Protection Agency determined that using a dishwasher instead of washing by hand can save 5,000 gallons of water and $40 in utility costs a year. It’s not just about water! Unless you have incredibly thick dishwashing gloves, you can’t properly clean your dishes by hand. Dishwashers heat water to around 145 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure your dishes are disinfected. Even if the water from your sink could get that hot, you wouldn’t want to stick your hand in it. SUCCESS STORY Hand-Washing Dishwasher Are You Wasting Water, Time, and Money? vs. old because I had lower back pain from sitting in cold, damp, wet rinks watching my brothers play hockey. I was also in a car accident when I was 18, which just made matters worse. By the time I was ready to have a child, Chris had already become a chiropractor and had been practicing for over a decade. I never could have imagined or known how important chiropractic would be to me until I was pregnant with Samantha. I knew being pregnant after having been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis was going to be very painful on my lower back. The added weight of the baby was going to worsen my condition. Spondylolisthesis is a condition where my tailbone would slip out of alignment with my spine, causing me great pain. It was hard to believe when halfway through my pregnancy, I was also diagnosed with symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). This exacerbated my lower back pain and made it difficult to do many everyday things while working and at home. I had no idea that SPD can occur in women Check out what one of our wonderful clients has to say! Dr. Colby will always be my big brother Chris to me. I started going to the chiropractor when I was just 16 years

Which brings us to the science experiment that is your kitchen sponge. Dr. Philip Tierno, a clinical professor in the microbiology and pathology departments at NYU Langone, determined that your kitchen sponge is the single dirtiest item in your house. Soap and water aren’t enough to sanitize your sponge, which is left damp next to your sink after each use. Have you ever noticed that stagnant sponge smell? That’s bacteria growing. And when you wash your dishes by hand, you rub that bacteria all over your plates and silverware. Yum. If you have just a single plate or cup, you obviously don’t want to run them through the dishwasher alone; that would be incredibly wasteful. But the drawbacks of washing by hand are too great to ignore. The best option is to wait until your dishwasher is full, then start up the washing cycle. All your dishes will be clean and disinfected, and you’ll use less water in the process.

toward the end of their first trimester or after the baby is born. Chris was right there from the start. He adjusted me regularly during the pregnancy, keeping me out of pain. He also started adjusting Samantha on the day she was born. Samantha was a C-section baby, which meant that during her

extraction, there could be some necessary twisting of her little body, therefore causing misalignments to her spine. Chiropractic was key to keeping my back in good working order and making a difficult time more tolerable for me. Early adjustments for Samantha also ensured a healthy start for my daughter.

–Heather Opielowski



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