Duggal® Vision to Visuals 2020, v1.2

& Mounting, Framing Lamination

Duggal ’s ski l led craf tsmen and t echn i ca l expe r t s handle all aspects of display

Comp l emen t i ng ou r mou n t i ng depar tment i s our ar t i san- f raming department, convenient ly located in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Hundreds of unique, beaut i ful ly-craf ted frame opt ions are on di splay including standard f inishes, reclaimed wood and custom welded steel . Duggal can fabricate custom moldings to the exact color and sizing desired.

and pr int protect ion wi th a wide range of laminat ion, mount ing and f raming mater ial s and techniques . Our custom mounting includes options from gallery-style plexi and anodized aluminum, to display boards such as Gatorboard and Sintra.


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