Duggal® Vision to Visuals 2020, v1.2

are evergreen displays. Content updates are achieved simply by changing out SD cards and a slot ted extrusion al lows for edge-to- edge fabric graphics, resul t ing in a new look wi thout replacing the core f ixture. Wi th RGB modules, l ight ing produces a ful l range of vibrant hues, these are visual displays that stand out . Content can be animated across the ful l color spectrum, as wel l as pure whi te on the same chipset for the ul t imate “WOW!” Whi te module l ight ing al lows graphics to be animated by modulat ing densi ty and luminosi ty in conjunct ion wi th a ful l color print for a more economical approach, whi le st i l l retaining the wow moment . Create an atmosphere of pure dist inct ion wi th the next generat ion of visual displays, combining graphic images and animated l ight to elevate the visual experience. Perfect for retai l, exhibi t ion and hospi tal i ty appl icat ions.

The Innovation Lab at Duggal of fers a complete set of in-house solut ions from design to fabricat ion and instal lat ion, streaml ining workf low whi le maintaining the highest level of qual i ty and innovat ion. Our ful l solut ion approach includes Sol id Works, AutoCAD and VectorWorks 3D renderings, as wel l as mechanical drawings that our product ion team can print, fabricate and instal l anywhere in the world. By combining mechanical and visual design wi th our vast knowledge of interact ive technology, mul t imedia, substrates, product ion possibi l i t ies and instal l logist ics, Duggal helps stretch creat ive boundaries wi th f ixtures and visuals of al l shapes and sizes. We are proud to be a trusted design partner for museum exhibi t ions, gal lery openings, events and retai l campaigns worldwide.


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