40,000 squa re f ee t o f warehouse space to stage, pack , s tore and ship your order. Develop, instal l and manage p r i n t campa i gns , d i g i t a l s ignage and ever y thing in between. Ou r i n - hou s e f u l l f i lmen t t eam i s expe r i enced i n instal l ing f ine ar t in gal leries and museums , same - day t rades how s e t ups , re t a i l event s and overnight retai l t ran s f o r ma t i on s , f a s h i on shows , ar t gal l er i es and museums.
Project Management
Managing your project has never been easier with Duggal’s Visual Management System (VMS). Our secure onl ine system al lows you to analyze, update and manage al l visual data at a glance wi thin a user-friendly and intui t ive format. Duggal VMS al lows you acces s t he mos t up-to-date informat ion in real-t ime with opt imally s t ruc tured data feeds and as set di s t r ibut ion proces ses . Thi s includes consol idated v i sual over views, onl ine ordering, cent ral ized product and s tore informat ion, order s tatus updates and t rack ing, integrated campaign planning, budget ing and forecast ing. As wel l, you can st reaml ine the dist r ibut ion of new visuals wi th bui l t- in deadl ine dr iven aler ts and error prevent ion tools. Such as: automated not if icat ions to aler t the f ield to expiring imagery, accountabi l i t y set t ings for comprehensive review and approval, and feedback loops to prevent incorrect or unneccessary visual product ion. Duggal VMS is customizable to meet your specific business needs and tai lor funct ional i t y to your own workf low requirement.
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