Duggal® Vision to Visuals 2020, v1.2

Dugga l ’ s f l ee t o f F l a t Bed pr inters provide unprecedented image detai l and tonal range for indus t r ial -volume runs. Our pr inters of fer UV LED cur ing for impressive print quality on a wide var iety of media, 3D capabi l i ty for as toundi ng dimens ional i t y to produce a tac t i l e rai sed pr int , along wi th spot varni sh capabi l i t ies. Our f lat bed f leet is capable of print ing direct ly onto an assor tment of subst rates up to 2 inches thick, f rom display boards to aluminum and wood. Our presses also feature whi te ink for special effect print ing on colored and metal l ic substrates. Direct to Substrate

A perennial leader of innovat ion in the print ing and graph i cs i ndus t ry, Duggal ’ s f leet of state-of-the-art Dye Sublimation printers feature 8 color and f luorescent capabi l i t ies, as wel l as an astounding resolution from a 4 picoliter drop size. Included in our f leet is the revolut ionary eco-friendly Reggiani, which uses water-based pigments and emi ts zero VOCs. Dugga l i s proud o f i t s V i brach rome™ technology, our response to the need for a vibrant yet durable solution to printing on metal. Vibrachrome™ is the product of a two-part heat t ransfer process in which two cut t ing-edge dye-subl imat ion machines complement each other for a permanent, vibrant print . Vibrachrome ™ Metalized printing


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