Rob Viso

needed, fill in for each other when needed, and grow our business together to better serve the life, each of us cares to live. Quantum physics tells us, when two separate “units/people” are in perfect coherence, 1+1 = 4. We have truly experienced it.

20. Unplug When Needed Did you ever try to go away on vacation and your clients won’t let you go? Well, it happens every time, unless your clients are working with you as part of a team. When you go away for few days, or a week, it will be natural for your clients to contact a member of the SAME team for any help they need. They will never feel that they got passed on to some stranger, because they have “met” that person on day one when you showed them a picture of the team and explained to them what they get when they work with you. They also see the picture of the team on social media, and in every email, you send them. Also, note that the work will not be interrupted given that everyone on the team follows the same systems. 21. Accountability No, we do not set a goal for the agent to generate a certain number of leads every week, and then check with them. We have tried it and find it to be an ineffective method bottom line insulting. We do though have a “menu” of business building blocks that we all report on during our weekly team meetings. We will always remind the agent of the life they want to live, and make sure that their everyday actions are in line with their vision. 22. Quarterly Goals The team sets common quarterly goals for everyone to focus on. As an example, we mentioned earlier how we focus on growing our sphere every fourth quarter of the year. Each one of the other quarters has its goal that is in line with the seasons of the real estate market. 23. Coaching Have you been seeing progress on the short term, but unsure where you are going long term? Well, therefore Tony coaches every agent individually. We make sure that the agent is leading their business through their unique set of strengths, which is discovered in the early weeks of the agents joining the team. Through coaching, Tony will also make sure that each agent is crystal clear on what is their end-goal and how it fits in their personal life. Tony will help each agent avoid falling for that new shiny lead generation technique and help them focus on what works best for them and within their life of choice. Tony’s Credentials: Prior to real estate, Tony was a tenured professor, chair of the Physics and Astronomy Department at Widener University, internationally published researcher in in the field quantum physics, and counselor introducing his students to top researchers at NavAir Airforce base and Northwestern University. As an agent, he excels in few areas that are not strengths for many other agents: a) Seeing the strengths in others and helping them grow through that strength. b) negotiating and keeping together the toughest and most

Affinity Team Member – Benefits (Page 7 of 12)

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