AtHands-OnPhysicalTherapy,diagnostic testing isvery important tous.Whena patientarrivesatourclinicand theirsourceofpain isunknown,diagnostic testing can help us discover where their pain is originating and what the best course of action for their needs will be. Diagnostic tests such as Nerve ConductionTesting and Electromyography Testing allow us to diagnose a patient so we can better cater to theirneeds. Ifyouare livingwithpainordiscomfortandyouareunsureof thecause,diagnostic testingmaybenefityou.ContactHands-OnPhysicalTherapy today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services. What is Nerve Conduction Testing? A Nerve Conduction Test is used as a way to diagnose any damage or dysfunction in the nerves. It measures how quickly electrical signals are able to move through your peripheral nerves, which are located along your spinal cord and outside of your brain. Whennervesarehealthy,signalsarestrongand fast.Whennervesareunhealthy, signals are weak and slow. During this test, a very mild electrical stimulation will be administered to the skin directly overlying the nerve in question, in order to test its condition and look for dysfunction. What is ElectromyographyTesting? EMG, also known as Electromyography, is a diagnostic test used as a way to analyze muscle health and their corresponding nerve cells. EMG can help determine if you have muscle dysfunction, nerve dysfunction, or other issues regarding the signal transmission between your muscles and nerves. During this test, a very small pin will be inserted into the affected muscle to test its condition and look for any nerve or muscle disorders. At Hands-On Physical Therapy, Dr. Kostopoulos is our board-certified clinic electrophysiologist.Hehasover15yearsofexperience inthefieldofelectrophysiology testingandhasconductednumerousNerveConductionTestsandEMGTests.He isahighly trainedprofessional inhisfieldwhowillworkwithyouandyourprimary physician during every step of the diagnostic testing and treatment process. With numerousscholarlyarticlespublished,Dr.Kostopoulos isarespectedandseasoned professional within the electrophysiology field. Schedule a consultation with him today to see how Nerve Conduction Tests and EMG Tests could benefit you! Still Interested? Get Started Today! Nerve Conduction and EMG Tests are both safe, easy, and reliable tests for diagnosing the cause of your pain or discomfort. Ifyouhavenoticedsymptoms thatdon’tseem tohaveaclearlydefinedcause,our diagnostic tests can get to the root of your pain so it can be treated accordingly. Don’thesitate tocontactHands-OnPhysicalTherapy today to learnmoreabout what our diagnostic tests can do for you and get started on the first steps toward relief!
Working with a physical therapist can help you to identify whether or not your headaches may be the result of neck pain or strain. One of the most common causes of headaches due to neck pain is forward head position. Forward head position means that when you are resting your head, you are continuing to hold your head slightly forward, which is a type of slouching position. Youcan identifywhetherornotyouhaveaforwardheadpositionbystanding straight against the wall and determining whether or not your head rests against the wall as your back does. If your head does not touch the wall when you are standing straight, then you aren’t fully standing up straight! As years go by and day after day you continue to hold your head in this forward position, you can start to experience pain as a result of strain in the muscles of the neck. When this isan issue,workingwithaphysical therapistmaybeable tohelp. Stretching the muscles in your neck to alleviate neck strain can reduce the severityand regularityofyourheadaches.Stretching themuscles thathave grown tightalong thebackofyourneckaswellas thosealong theshoulders can help you find relief from the tension that is causing your pain. When dealing with neck pain, it is important to remember that safety has to come first. While there are many simple activities you can try at home to begin stretching your neck muscles, working with a physical therapist is theonlyway toensure thatyouarestretching inaway thatwon’tpotentially lead to greater injury. For more information, contact us. THE PROBLEM WITH POSTURE
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