Syngenta Flowers' Stars

Petunia hybrida Shortcake Something to sweeten up the garden!

Eye-catchingand stable flower pattern

Shortcake brings and eye-catching stable flower pattern which stand out at point of sale. Ideal for growing in small pots and combinations in various pot sizes making a striking display in the garden. Benefits for Grower • Its stable flower pattern and habit makes it a grower-friendly series • Ideal for small pots, however its garden performance is outstanding • Perfect for adding impact to mixed combinations and baskets • Can be produced next to the Dekko series • No need to pinch Benefits for Retailer • Eye-catching and stable flower pattern • Ideal for adding impact to mixed combinations and baskets • Makes an impressive display at point of sale Benefits for Consumer • Shortcake has an eye-catching flower pattern • Flowers continuously till the end of September • Excellent garden performance in the sun and after rain • Easy to care for

Pots available from Pöppelmann/TEKU Töpfe verfügbar bei Pöppelmann/Teku Potten verkrijgbaar bij Pöppelmann/TEKU

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