Evolution of Tech Support Whitepaper

Discourse abounds when it comes to innovation. The possibilities are astounding. But, the technology can only take us so far. For example, automation might be able to bear the load of initial tech inquiries, but in a growing global economy, call volumes will increase. Similarly, there may be technology that becomes able to assist in basic matters, but customers and businesses are going to expect a higher level of customer service, which will likely require a human touch to understand contextual issues. James Stanger, Chief Technology Evangelist with CompTIA, argues that tech support will actually become more efficient once they are relieved of the burden of mundane tasks. In effect, these technologies may help to enable better resolutions at a faster pace, but that doesn’t mean the human element will become unnecessary, only that those roles will be better supported.

Dan Shapero, President of TeamLogic IT, commented on the supplementary nature of technology and tech support roles, saying, “The new gold standard will be how fast you respond. It will go more towards a real-time experience.” As the capabilities of technology improve, so will our ability to provide exceptional customer service, emphasizing the need for a human interface. In effect, humans and technology will work in tandem to provide an elevated, more efficient experience.

Given these developments, how can organizations outfit and prepare their internal teams to maintain pace with the rapid evolution of technology?

FILLING THE GAPS OF TECH SUPPORT ROLES Technology is revolutionizing how businesses operate, there is no doubt about that. Emerging tech is expected to have a significant impact on the modern workforce, shifting the value from one skillset to another as different technologies emerge as frontrunners. Shapero spoke about the gaps that are created with the release of sophisticated technology saying, “When it [emerging tech, such as the cloud and AI] becomes easy it will become the responsibility of the help desk. There’s going to need to be management, it will have to be implemented and deployed, secured, there will need to be a network attached.” In essence, these emerging technologies will also require support, much like the Windows stack of days gone by.


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