King's Business - 1916-10



history o f the world, by His resurrection from thè dead, prove it. The teachings of the W ord o f God prove it. The character o f those who accept Him as Divine proves it. The results o f accepting Him as Divine prove it. The Divine power He possesses and exercises today proves it. Jesus Christ is Divine, He is God in human form. And now some one may say, well what o f it? Everything o f it. Jesus Christ is the Son o f God and if you reject Him you are rejecting the Son o f God. That is the awful sin that lies at the door o f every man O N THE beautiful conference grounds o f the Young Women’s Christian Association, at Asilomar, the Missionary Education Movement held its third Pacific Coast Conference, from June 30 to July 9. Between 100 and 125 registered delegates were present. From 8:30 in the morning until noon, or shortly after, classes were in session, covering such phases o f mission­ ary work as Missions in the Sunday School (classes for the teachers o f the different grades being h eld); Missions in Latin America; Normal Training Classes, in which future teachers o f mission-study classes in the home churches were trained to present the text book for the year— “ South American Neighbors”—and a class in Church Efficiency. Open parliaments were held from time to time, to consider topics o f general inter­ est. Dr. Morris W . Ehnes, o f New York, and several o f the strongest men on the coast, were on the Faculty. The Bible-study period each morning, with one exception, was in charge o'f Rev. James A. Francis, D. D., pastor o f the First Baptist Church of Los Angeles. The morning before Dr. Francis arrived, Rev. John H. Hunter, of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, gave the message. Rev. Earnest F. Hall, of the Presbyterian Board, was in charge of

and every woman in this audience, out of Christ, R ejecting the S on of G od . I f your hearts were not hardened and blinded by sin you would tremble at that indictment (Acts 2:36, 37). In the light o f the clear proof o f the Deity o f Christ I call upon you tonight to accept Him as your Divine Saviour. I call upon you to surrender to Him as your Divine Lord. I call upon you to submit your life to Him as your rightful sovereign, an'd to manfully con­ fess Him before the world as your Divine Lord. the conference in general, assisted by Rev. Frank P. Worley, a returned missionary from Japan. Prof. C. C.. McCown, form­ erly o f India; Rev. Vernon M. McCombs, formerly o f South America; Mrs. A. Ros- enberger, formerly o f Palestine; Rev. H. H. Kelsey, secretary o f the A. B. C. F. M .; Miss Rose Scott and Miss Meme Brock­ way, rendered valuable help. Among the returned missionaries, per­ haps none were more greatly enjoyed than Dr. and Mrs. Tracy, whoi have spent nearly half a century in the work in Turkey, and who have had to see their life’s work almost wiped out within the last year. The delegates represented all the leading evangelical denominations. The First Presbyterian Church o f Pasadena had the largest delegation o f any one church. Many lives were surrendered to Christ for service in the foreign field, as one o f the results o f the conference. It is hoped that next year the attendance will reach at least 200, though no “boosting” was done at the conference—nor is there any such thing in contemplation during the year. The management prefers instead to go about the work quietly and prayerfully, desiring a small company o f students, impelled by the Holy Spirit, ratlier than a larger com­ pany worked up by other methods.

-------------- O --------------- ASILOMAR CONFERENCE Earnest Missionary Workers Gather for the Third Time on the Pacific Coast

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