King's Business - 1916-10



in the way o f folk-lore tales, myths and nature stories, but the Bible story is not holding the prominent place it should. Pub­ lic school children have a better knowledge o f the god o f Greek mythology than of the God o f Abraham. The Story o f Stories is not being told as often and effectively as it might be. Why? Because Christians have failed to realize the importance of story-telling and to sufficiently master the art. HOW TO TELL A STORY “I just haven’t the ‘knack’ o f telling stories,” is the excuse the majority will give. Yet story-telling is not so much an inborn talent as it is an art to be culti­ vated. It has its technique, and perfection necessitates practice just as in any other production o f art. “How do you tell a story?” is a short question that necessitates a long answer. The method itself is simple but it includes numerous directions. First, much o f the story-teller’s, success depends on the ^election o f the story. The age o f the children must be considered. Then the truth to ibe conveyed is o f fundamental importance. Determine the truth you need to emphasize before you select your story. Never attempt any Bible story without deciding what leading truth is to be set forth. Consider also the children’s former instruction—what they have heard before. Even though a story well told always bears repetition, their knowledge o f the Bible should be broadened. Beginners in the art o f story-telling may need to consider the type o f story best suited to their per­ sonality, but training ‘will eliminate this. As to resources for obtaining the story, one may adapt and formulate it from the original Bible account or use a reliable book o f Bible stories for children. The story teller’s own preparation should consist in learning the story, feeling it and practicing it. “Know your story,” is an admonition that would seem so obvious as to need no mention, yet many failures begin here. The average story-teller is not sure enough o f the story itself. Read, it over and over again before attempting to tell

it. Do not try to memorize it. Memorizing takes away the freedom in telling, cramps and hinders, while one’ s own words will add to the story spontaneity and give libj erty to the teller. The story must be told without hesitation. A definite knowledge o f “what happens” is a fundamental neces­ sity. In order to gain this one may form­ ulate a brief outline o f the action o f" the story. Notice the verbs o f action. Analyze your story. Every well-formed story should have one theme around which all the action centers. Form an action framework, then start the filling-in process. To know your story is of primary importance. IT MUST BE FELT To feel your story is absolutely essential in successful story-telling, particularly in telling Bible stories. W e have been con­ sidering how to get the story, now let the story “get” you. The story must be made a personal narrative. Children soon detect if it is not real to the teller. Never tell a story that you do not feel. You must have seen, acted and felt before your hear­ ers can be made to see, act, feel. Before the Lord allowed Ezekiel to prophesy to Israel, Ezekiel had to lie on his right side three hundred and ninety days for' the iniquity o f the house o f Israel and forty days more for the house o f Judah. Ezekiel had abundant opportunity for realizing, feeling the import o f his message as he lay without turning from one side to the other all those days. God knew the value o f a prophet who really “ felt” his message. Let the story become a part o f your life. See it, live in it. Forgetfulness o f self in feel­ ing the story is just as essential as a thor­ ough knowledge o f the story itself. The old adage “practice makes perfect” unquestionably holds true with reference to story-telling. Rehearsing the story aloud again and again develops skill. One prom­ inent story-teller is said to have had a doll audience, and her stories were repeated over and over to these "make-believe” children. Practice familiarizes with the story, adds impressiveness and overcomes

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