King's Business - 1916-10



WORK AMONG THE JEWS Mrs. James A. Vans, Supt.

T A 7 E are glad to have with us again " * Mrs. Myer, who has been absent from the work for some time. God has greatly blessed her in the work among the Jewish women. With the ability to speak English, Slavish, Polish, Yiddish, and Ger­ man, together with her years o f experience as *a nurse, she has repeatedly gained entrance into homes and hearts where oth­ ers have failed. Since her return God has been blessing her service richly and she has reported four Jewish conversions. Pray God’s continued blessing on her labors. A few months ago we reported the con­ version o f a Jewish tailor. At the time o f- his conversion his wife, a Russian Jewess, was also urged to accept Jesus Christ, and though' at heart she believed, yet she was unwilling to acknowledge her faith in Him. She was the first to apply to her husband the- dreaded epithet, “Meshummed,” which means renegade or traitor to his own peo­ ple. Repeated urging only seemed to strengthen her in her determination to wait and see. first how her husband fared in his ------------O C ERTA INLY it seems strange what trivial things men will permit to come between them and believing in Christ to the salvation o f their souls. Not long ago, one bright, apparently intelligent man was blindly staggering to an endless Hell for the simple reason that he claimed the Bible didn’t tell who Mary’s grandmother was. About the same time we met another deluded fellow who was reeking with skep­ ticism and almost frothing with rage because, he asserted, the second book o f Samuel couldn’t have been written by the one who was recorded as having died in

new experience. God had to send suffering to this woman before she finally yielded and found rest for her weary soul in Jesus, the Messiah o f the Jews. Mrs. ----------, a Jewess, was one o f the most unpromising cases it has ever been our lot to meet. The way o f salvatiòn had been showti and her Jewish difficulties met repeatedly. As time went on, one" worker after another called on her and tried to lead her to a saving knowledge o f Jesus Christ, but without success. During the days ,and months and years that followed, the workers continued their prayers and their visits. As there seemed to be no response, one after another o f the workers ceased their visits. All but one o f us prac­ tically gave this woman up as a hopeless case. This one, however, never stopped calling, praying, and expecting to see the conversion o f this Jewess. A few days ago, just about six years from thè time of. the first interview, this one worker’s faithful­ ness was rewarded by having the privilege o f leading her to accept Jesus Christ as her Saviour. the twenty-fifth chapter o f the first book o f Samuel. W e were obliged to listen for one hour, in a particularly busy day, to the mistakes o f Moses and the antiquated, threadbare arguments o f Tom Paine as advanced by one who had much o f the wis­ dom o f this world. W e detected, however, beneath the surface, a hungry, dissatisfied heart. Making a mental note o f all he set forth, we jotted each and every point down. That night we carefully and scripturally went over all the ground and mailed him the result with a heartfelt appeal to return to the old faith. It was two weeks before

WORK IN THE SHOPS David Cant, Supt.

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