King's Business - 1916-10



What though a Theosophist to the right o f us, an Eddyite to the left o f us, a Rus- sellite behind us, a pessimist in front o f us, volley and thunder, if God be for us who can be against us? W e know that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse and as we See the signs o f the times; we rejoice and lift up our heads, for redemption draweth nigh. We hear our great Leader whisper, “ Only a few more shadows and I will come.” As I lift my eyes from the paper, the door softly opens and I hear a voice say­ ing : “ Good news, Daddy! Motorman V and his wife have decided to unite with the church next Lord’s Day morning—all the result o f the work done in the car barn.” “And other sheep I have. . . they also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shep­ herd.” worker found himself face to face with heathen worship o f idols. A good-sized altar with ever-burning lights, incense, and other articles o f heathen worship, was crowded into a corner o f the crew’s quar­ ters, and one felt he was in the heart of China. Who is responsible for the exist­ ence o f such impenetrable darkness o f pure, raw heathendom as was here manifest? In face o f much so-called effort to reach sea­ men, and numerous inadequate endeavors and missions on land to reach the men o f the sea, this is only one case o f many. Again, in the highly decorated and luxur­ iously equipped first-class quarters, a book case was noticed, full- o f books o f all kinds, forming the ship’s library, and in front o f all, a book on Theosophy, placed there, no doubt, by some deluded follower o f that super-heathen cult. Yet did any­ one ever feel the call o f God to place in that library (the books o f which are freely

we ran across our skeptic again, but the sight o f his changed face and attitude was one o f the most refreshing experiences in a long, hard, tough month’s plowing and sowing. Those o f you who follow with your prayers the work o f the shops, please remember this man, who is surrounded with a bunch o f skeptics, infidels, and agnostics. He certainly needs prayer but we are sure by God’s grace, when once deeply rooted and grounded, he will prove a testimony for God there. The men who are being reached in our shops, barns, and engine houses are those who have been familiar with the Scrip­ tures in their early, formative years, but away from all helpful influences, kicking about, they have fallen by the wayside. We have the joy o f being used to revive old memories and thus touch the hearts o f the men and in some measure, at least, reach them for Christ. ------ --------O extended piers, giving space and shelter to mahy ships from all over the globe. From that ferry the worker saw, far in the dis­ tance, a vessel leaving the slip to carry a large number o f souls across the Pacific, and recognised it as the one he had visited the day before, and one o f the first reached with the Gospel while here. So it was no wonder the worker could praise the Lord for the way He had answered prayer by opening the way for a definite, aggressive work to be done in this vast and needy field. On that vessel, the day before, the worker found a Wide open door and much work to do; also good attention from the crew as well as the passengers whf> were Chinese —at least in the steerage quarters. While giving out Chinese Scriptures among the crew o f that American-owned vessel, the S TANDING on the deck o f one o f the big ferries, one can see the far


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