King's Business - 1916-10



3. It is a great feast. (a) Great because God provides it. (b) Great because o f what it cost. 4. It is ample, gracious and free. Suf­ ficient for every need o f every soul. Springs from the gracious good pleasure o f God. Is offered with­ out money ,and without price. II. Consider the Attitude Taken Towards the Invitation. 1. Our acceptance o f it is purely vol­ untary. God will not force us to accept it. W e are free agents, 2 . The various excuses offered: (a) The three excuses o f the text. (b ) Present day excuses. There is a great difference between an excuse and a reason. What is the dif­ ference? 3. The result o f neglecting the divine invitation: “ Shall not taste o f my Supper.” Describe what is involved in exclusion 1 from the Marriage Supper o f the Lamb. _ C onclusion : • Present two invitations. Will you say, "I pray thee have me excused from becom­ ing a Christian,” or “ I most gladly accept God’s invitation and cheerfully decide for Christ,” —S, T .S. Theme: First Corinthians, Thirteen. I. Love’s Contrasts, (yerses 1-3). Love is not—

II. Love’s Character (verses 4-7). Love >s— 1. Longsuffering. 2 . Kindness. 3. Generosity. 6 . Unselfishness. 7. Self Control. 8 . Forgetfulness. 9. Sincerity. 10 . Largeheartedness. III. Love’s Continuance, (verses 8-12). ' Lasts- longer than— 1. Prophecy. 2 . Tongues. 3. Knowledge. IV . Love’s Crown (verse 13). Love is the* greatest thing o f all “because it is most like God.” (A fter Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas, in the Sunday, School Times) . Satan, the free will and choice o f man. II. The Development o f Sin, cc. 4 and 5 . 1. In the Family life—Cain and Abel, C. 4. ' ■ In Society- —The two lines: Cainites and Sethites, c. 5. 3, In the Race, cc. 5 and 6 . - III. The Penalty and Punishment o f Sin, cc. 6 - 1 1 . . 1. The Flood, cc. 6-9. 2. The Dispersion, c. TO. 3. The Confusion o f tongues—Tower o f Babel, c, 11. 4. Humility. 5. Courtesy “ Sin” in Genesis 3-11. _An interesting study o f the doctrine of sin may be found in these chapters. I. The Source o f Sin, c. 3 .

1. Eloquence. 2. Prophecy. 3. Faith. 4. Charity. 5. Martyrdom.

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