King's Business - 1916-10



Old Testament prophecy, God had' spokeh o f them “ by the mouth o f His holy prophets that had been from o f old.” It will be far different from the universal restoration and salvation o f those who have died in their sins, o f which some speculate, but o f which there is not a hint in the Bible. The Bible, however, plainly declares that in connec­ tion with the Second Coming o f Christ there shall not only be a universal restora­ tion o f righteousness in government and in all social life, but also a restoration o f all nature (Isa. 35:1, 2; 55:13; 65:17-25; Rom. 8:20, 21, R. V .); Monday, October 16. Acts 3:22-26. Moses had prophesied o f Jesus in Deut. 18:15-19. Looking down through the cen­ turies to Him, he had told the people, that they must “hearken in all things” to the prophet Who was coming, that is to Jesus. Then he spoke these very solemn words, “ Every soul that shall not hearken to that prophet (that isj Jesus), shall be utterly destroyed from among the people.” There is absolutely no hope« for any one who refuses to listen to Jesus, (cf. John 3:36). On the other hand, if any one will listen to His word and believe on Him that sent Him, shall immediately obtain eternal life (John 5:24). Our whole destiny for time and eternity hangs upon whether we really listen to Jesus or not. The whole line of prophets, from Samuel on, had forseen the days that Jesus should be on earth, and had foretold them. The risen Saviour, Jesus, was sent to the Jews first, to bless them in turning every one o f them away from their iniquities. But the Jews refused to be turned away from their iniquities, and so the risen Saviour was sent to the Gentiles. Tuesday, October 17, Acts 4:1-4. The ecclesiastical authorities were greatly disturbed over the teaching o f Peter and John. They were especially “troubled” because they proclaimed “the resurrection from the dead.” That was not an article

mind about this glorious “ Prince o f Life,” to change their mind from the attitude of mind that had rejected, denied and crucified Him to the attitude o f mind that would accept, confess, obey and worship Him. Peter’s favorite exhortation was to “ Repent” (cf. ch. 2:38). This was also a favorite exhortation with Paul (Acts 17:30; 26:20), with John the Baptist (Matt. 3:2 ), and with Jesus (Matt. 4:17). Peter not only bade his hearers to “ repent,” but also to “be converted” (A . V .), or “ Turn again” (R . V .). Repentance is the inward change o f mind, conversion, the outward change o f conduct which results from the inward change o f mind. The first result o f their repentance and conversion would be that their sins would be “ blotted out.” Genuine repentance o f sin, especially o f the sin o f rejecting Jesus Christ, and turning to God brings the utter blotting out of all sin. God makes it as though it had not been (cf. Isa. 55:7; Acts 10:43). The sec­ ond result o f the repentance o f the Jews would be, that the “seasons o f refreshing,” prophesied by the Old Testament prophets, would come. I f we today wish “seasons o f refreshing” “ from the presence o f the Lord,” we should repent. The third result o f the repentance o f the Jews, would be, that God would “ send the Christ” (v. 20, R. V .). The coming o f the Christ, the anointed King, who had been appointed for Israel, depended upon their repentance and conversion. Had the Jews as a nation repented at that time, Jesus would have come and set up His Kingdom at once. There ,is to be some time in the future a national repentance o f Israel \ and then Jesus, the Christ,, will come again (Zech. 12:11-14; cf. Zech. 14:1-4; Rom. 11:25*26). O f course, Jesus may come in the air to receive His own unto Himself at any time, but His coming to the earth to reign seems to be conditioned on the repentance o f the Jews. Until these “times o f restoration o f all things” which are connected with the return o f the Lord Jesus, He will be in “the Heaven.” These “times o f restoration of all things” had been a favorite subject o f

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