King's Business - 1916-10



American Standard Version Bibles Reference Edition— Minion Type No. AR SOR. Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. Self-Pro­ nouncing. Size, 434x7 inches...«______ Price, $1.75 No. AR 5lR. Maroon French Morocco,, divin­ ity circuit, round corners, gilt edges, silk sewed, lettered side and back in gold, with presentation page. India Paper Edition____1______ Price, $3.00 No. AR 52R. Genuine M orocco, divinity cir­ cuit, smooth Persian leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India Paper Edition......____...___________ Price, $5.00 No. AR 58R. [ Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges______________________ Price, $7.50 , No. AR 59R. Persian Levant, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Interleaved. C o n c o r d a n c e E d i t i o n o f t h e A m e r i c a n S t a n d a r d B i b l e Size, 434x7 inches. India Paper Edition. Only 34 of an inch thick. No. AR 55C. Egyptian Seal, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge, round corners, red under gold edges...«...«i....„.......,..„.„............ Price, $4.00 No. AR 58C. Best Levant, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges........................ ........... .Price, $7.50 T e a c h e r s ’ E d i t i o n o f t h e A m e r i c a n S t a n d a r d B i b l e

W ith one leaf of ruled paper for manuscript notes between every opening.... „....«...«..Price, $8.00

/ Containing the Self-Pronouncing Reference Bible, Concise Bible Dictionary and Combined Concordance to the American Standard Bible and 12 Indexed Colored Maps. A lso twenty-five new instructive outline maps placed through the Bible in m ost convenient places. No. AR 50T. Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, round corners, headbands, silk book-m ark, red under gold edges. Printed on fine white Bible paper........—..... .......................... EjOL Price, $2.00 No. A R 56T. Persian Levant, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India Paper Edi­ tion. Only of an inch thick_ ........—.Price, $5.00 No. A R 59T. Sealskin, divinity, circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, rou n d . corners, red under gold edges. India paper edition. £4 of an inch thick__ ___ _____ _________ ______ Price, $8.50 Bourgeois Type Teachers’ Edition of the American Standard Bible Contains the Bourgeois type Bible with ref­ erences, Concise Bible Dictionary, a new' com ­ bined Concordance to the American Standard Version and 12 indexed colored Maps. India Paper Edition Size, 5^4x8 inches. Only V/z inches ^thick. No. AR 60T. Egyptian Seal, divinity cir­ cuit, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges-l..«......«_..._____________________ ____ Price, $4l50 No. AR 65T. Persian Levant, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed,, round corners, red under gold edges.........— Price, $6.25 No. AR69T., Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges..............-------------- x ----- Price, $10.00

BOURGEOIS TYPE India Paper Edition

No. AR 60R. Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Size, 5j4x8 inches. Only 13-16 of an inch thick. ................_________ ............._________ r... Price, $3.75 No. AR 63R. Genuine M orocco, divinity cir­ cuit, gros grain leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round , corners, red under gold edges. Same size as No. AR 60R...................... Price, $5.50 No. AR 69R. Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Same size as two above. ____ .............,..i.....«..«.;«...u....... Price, $10.00 LONG PRIMER TYPE This is a beautiful Bible for study and home use. Size, 6j4x8j4 inhes. Only % of an inch in thickness. No. AR 71R. Egyptian seal, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed,, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper edi­ tion! ..._------------- ........... ------......i........i..« ____Price, $6.00 No. AR. 73R. Persian Levant, divinity cir­ cuit; leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red Under gold edges. India Paper Edition-----....-------------------«....„«___________ Price, $7.50 No. A R 79R. Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners ,red un­ der gold edges. India Paper Edition. Price, $12.50

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