Biola Broadcaster - 1973-07


had made. Then he smiled and pointed out, "Your problem is that you have put down some of the mercies of the Lord rather than your spiritual blessings which are yours through faith in the Saviour. You see, the things you have listed here are really some of the same things that God bestows upon the saved as well as the unsaved. "Matthew 5:45," he reminded her, "declares that the Lord sends the rain on the just as well as the un­ just. There are people who do not know Christ who may already own their own homes. Perhaps they even have an additional retreat up in the mountains or down at the beach. Keep in mind that there are many who would never enter a church door and yet may enjoy a greater physical strength than you do." She was beginning to see the light as he continued, "Just think

of the magazines and newspapers which regularly carry articles about the wealthy people of the world who jet around the globe. They never take a second thought about righteousness." She readily agreed that all of these things were true. Then he proceeded to suggest that there are, additionally, spiritual blessings which the Lord bestows only on the believer who comes to Him by faith. In conclusion, he shared the secret, "When we think on these things, the blessings rath­ er than the mercies, then it is that we turn the devil to flight." How tremendously right he was with this excellent and practical word of counsel. You try it yourself and see what a pragmatic approach it really is. If there is any doubt in your mind about your share, amply pro­ vided, of spiritual blessings, con­ sider the passage beginning in Page 17

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