Biola Broadcaster - 1973-07

er and majesty. It is the only way by which others may see that we do have something this world does not possess. Now notice he says, "Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacri­ fices of joy." What is God's taber­ nacle of which David speaks and how can we apply it to these days of the 20th century? In the strictest sense, we know it to be the impres­ sive tent David had in the wilder­ ness. Later it became the temple which David's son, Solomon, built to replace the transitory facility. Today we realize that, based upon New Testament Scripture, the body

of the believer is the temple, the tabernacle or the dwelling place of God's Holy Spirit. So to our hearts comes the realization that our body is to be the place where we offer the sacrifices of joy. This brings the verse into sharp focus. How do we act when pressures come? Joyful or woeful? What kind of sacrifices are being offered in your hearts? David testified, "I will sing praises unto the Lord." It was not just a case of easy, well-modulated solo work, but the translation is actually "I will shout, I will let everyone know, I will let it ring from the house-tops."

\ Senior Class President, Kirk Steputis and sophomore Steve Schwepker out details for the student newspaper, The Chimes.

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