Biola Broadcaster - 1973-07



To master an understanding of Paul's Philippian Epistle, one must come to grips with 3:10-12 which express so fully his concept of life. Here he deals with the importance of spiritual maturity. There is never a consideration that growth in grace is a static experience. So our consuming goal should be to be­ come conformed to the likeness of our blessed Saviour. God has this as a clearly defined objective for each of His own children. To each of the early churches to which Paul wrote there was this similar desire presented. To those at Colosse he wanted them to pro­ claim Christ that they might be presented to the Lord spiritually perfected (Colossians 1:28). To the believers at Ephesus there was the purpose of being in the perfect measure of Christ's moral stature (Ephesians 4 :13 ). Th is, indeed, should be the climax of the Chris­ tian life. Our perfect example can be seen readily in Jesus Christ. We are thereby reminded of John's promise, "Beloved, now are we the sons of Cod and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we

know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is" (I John 3 :2 ). Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit working within us we can be brought into the image, of the Lord. One day we shall be like Him in spiritual maturity. In a word, spiritual maturity is really Christ-likeness. In every life situation the Saviour always react­ ed in a completely mature man­ ner. Jesus sets the standard in ev­ erything. He was never petulant but always calm; never rebellious but always obedient. He was never fearful but always courageous; never vacillated but always reso­ lute. He was never pessimistic but always cheerful; never subtle but always sincere . He was never grasping but always generous; never acted from expediency but always on the basis of proper mor­ al principle. He is the perfect pat­ tern for our spiritual maturity. This is exactly what Paul was striving for in his life. He wanted to press on so that he could be more like Jesus. Such is the only worthy goal for us as well. Page 33

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