Biola Broadcaster - 1973-07

summarized in Philippians 3:10-12. His earnest purpose should be the goal to which we would attain, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The devil meanwhile will do all in his power to bring us defeat, whenever we lean on the arm of flesh. There is a truceless warfare to be fought against Sa­ tan. It will not end until we are safe in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory. As part of the Church militant we are engaged in a conflict against the spiritual powers of darkness and evil (II Corinthians 10:4, 5). Satan is fighting to retain con­ trol of the world's system. His subtle infiltration and sudden as­ saults upon the believer are un­ mistakable. We know that every battle has its strategic focal point on which the fire power must be concentrated until the foe is re­ duced. In our spiritual warfare the battle rages around the citadel of the human mind. The mind med­ itates on what comes from the body and the spirit. It will be dominated and controlled either by the flesh or by the Holy Spirit. It is tragically possible for the same tongue in the same mouth of the same individual to be con­ trolled by either God or Satan. We, individually, are the ones who decide which will have the suprem­ acy and preeminence. This is why we are to cast down "imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ." These "imaginations" are reasonings or human theories. Before God's judgment in the flood of Noah's day, Scripture re­ cords that the Lord looked down Page 39

Jesus did not conclude until on the cross He cried out, "It is fin­ ished!" This battle we fight is not on a normal level. Fighting meth­ ods normally used will not avail in this situation. It is not just one man against another. The warfare can only be waged on a spiritual level and only with spiritual wea­ pons such as prayer. The only way you can overcome the devil is on your knees. How much more sat­ isfying it would be if we could grapple with our foe on a human level. There could be satisfaction in making contact and overcoming a human being. Not so with spirit­ ual combat. We cannot seize peo­ ple and drag them from the clut­ ches of the devil, even as much as we would like to. We cannot shake individuals into holiness and sanctification . We reach them through prayer. Carnal, fleshly, hu­ man methods produce only hu­ man, fleshly and carnal results. It is on our knees that we gain the spiritual victory. This constant spiritual warfare against evil is interminable. It be­ gan in the garden of Eden and it will end only when the devil is finally bound and cast into the lake of fire. As prince of the power of the air he is fighting to retain con­ trol of this present world system. He is absolutely desirous to des­ troy the true church of Jesus Christ. Have you taken unto yourself the whole armour of God that you may stand firm and resolute in the hour of the most challenging con­ flict? Following his conversion on the way to Damascus, the Apostle Paul had a consuming goal to be­ come more like the Lord Jesus Christ. This aspect of his life is

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