Biola Broadcaster - 1973-07


gether." We are to take all of the facts and sort them out properly. We need to go through the process of assembling information from the Bible, from life, from others, from the situation itself. Things that are irrelevant should be set aside. All of us realize that computers are great machines which can process data. It is not far-fetched to think of Christians, growing in the proc­ ess of sanctification, as being "data processors." Of course, we must understand that a computer has to be pro­ grammed so that it will function properly. Even so, we cannot proc­ ess data perfectly in our own strength or through our own in­ sights. We are reminded that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God" (II Timothy 3:16). The ulti­ mate result of the profitable use for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction is that a man of God may be "perfect." That liter- Page 47

the Word. Running the plays on the line of scrimmage is when the Christian leaves the church and goes out into whatever pace of life in which he may be involved: home, school, business or social. For a team to spend all of its time in the huddle would be ridiculous. There are plays that have to be run. There must be a proper balance between the huddle and the scrim­ mage in life for each of us. There is the huddling for fellowship and studying and then moving out into life to run the plays. Are you learn­ ing how to play the game? There are ways to determine God's specific will for our lives at some given time. We are exhorted, "Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is" (Ephesians 5:17). You see, God wants us to know His will. We are not to be ignorant about it. This term "understanding" can literally be translated "to put to­

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