Biola Broadcaster - 1973-07

nation of politically ignorant and impotent people. Those who run the country are often selected, packaged, and sold on bill boards, bumper stickers, radio and televi­ sion spots as is the latest fad in detergents. Knowledge is crucial if citizens are to make wise choices and exert effective influence over the affairs of any country. No man is free who blindly defends the establishment or unwittingly follows the latest popular protest leader. Wise polit­ ical freedom is exercised only when we gain a working knowledge of the tremendous choices stijl open to us—and then act upon them. Indeed, the "biggest dimension of freedom is knowing." Looking beyond our citizenship, our freedom as a Christian is also limited by ignorance. True, we are free from all condemnation through Christ our Savior. But are we free from worry, hate, fear, and anger?

The Bible has much to say that can help a Christian live without such things dominating his life. The Bible also has much to say about purpose in life, and the worth of an individual. If you feel trapped in the life you are now living, there are far better options open to you. However, the Christian must know of God's provisions before he can apply the Word to his life. As the good citizen is informed and seeks to enjoy the full dimensions of his freedom, the satisfied and produc­ tive Christian is also informed. He may fully enjoy his freedom in Christ only as he studies the Bible and discovers and appropriates the privileges of this new life. In Christ's death and resurrec­ tion, we find God's declaration of independence for all who will be­ lieve. The full dimensions of a new life of freedom from bondage can only be seen and lived through a growing knowledge of His Word.

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