Training Catalog
Every course is designed to be flexible and tailored for your specific needs
COURSES Our A New View of the ASQ™ A New View of the ASQ™ training explores a child’s physical and social emotional development using both the Ages and Stages 3 Questionnaire and the Ages and Stages Social Emotional Questionnaires. The training includes introducing the tool to parents, practice with scoring the screenings, talking with parents about results, recommendations and making referrals.
ACEs in the Delivery Room ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) in the Delivery Room training explores Florida birth outcomes, the role ACEs have on birth outcomes and what the barriers to discussing ACEs are. Participants identify concrete strategies and advocacy supports for the birth person throughout pregnancy and in the delivery room.
Building Protective Factors
Building Protective Factors within local communities is the single most important way we can take steps to keep children safe. This course covers early brain development, Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Protective Factor Framework. When appropriate, this training can provide technical assistance for community based organizations to improve their service delivery.
Did You Know? From 30 minutes to a 3-day training, we can adjust our content for your team.
Compassion Fatigue Compassion Fatigue training focuses on practical tools to assist with stress, compassion fatigue and secondary trauma in daily life. Based on the book by Francois Mathieu.
Darkness to Light® The Darkness to Light® training is a child sexual abuse prevention education training. This evidence informed curriculum offers five simple, proactive steps to protect children from sexual abuse – Learn the Facts, Minimize Opportunity, Talk About It, Recognize the Signs and React Responsibly.
Empowering Change: Motivational Interviewing Motivational Interviewing is an approach that can be used to help families see the need to make positive, empowering changes, as well as help determine if the family feels ready to make those changes. Motivational Interviewing can be used in the context of early childhood and help teachers and parents work together on challenging behaviors in the classroom and at home. In this training, staff practice role plays and conversational techniques, making this an interactive training.
Let's Talk
Tell us about your staff so we can customize any course specifically for them!
Growing Goals with Families
Growing Goals with Families training explores the process of collaborating with families on a step-by-step process of developing goals that are meaningful and achievable. Participants are given opportunities to further their skills by writing goals and objectives and performing role plays.
Healthy Helping Relationships Healthy Helping Relationships training introduces critical thinking activities around personal and professional boundaries and the important role they play in promoting family stability and change. This training helps to identify issues that challenge our boundaries, impact our ability to promote family change and lead to burnout. Trainers use role play to demonstrate techniques and strategies to re-establish broken boundaries. Participants will also explore the role colleagues and supervisors play in supporting and maintaining boundaries.
Impacts of Child Abuse and Neglect in Early Childhood Settings Participants will review and learn about child maltreatment types, mandated reporting, trauma informed care and how to apply trauma informed practice management strategies in the classroom.
Our curriculum is designed for both in- person and online trainings!
Mothers and Babies Mothers and Babies training has been designed for implementation with pregnant moms and new parents and developed by Northwestern University, providing a toolkit of coping skills to help manage mood and stress within the context of parenting a baby. Each segment integrates valuable stress management tools and skills to use in many aspects of daily life.
Training available in Spanish!
Motivational Interviewing: Next Level Motivational Interviewing: Next Level is an advanced training that elevates previously learned strategies in the Motivational Interviewing training including understanding self-motivation, constructive confrontation and dealing with ambivalence. Intense role-plays are practiced using scenarios that confront difficult issues.
Pathways to Parenthood Prenatal training explores all areas of pre-and post-pregnancy including fetal growth and development, warning signs for when to call the doctor, bonding with baby during pregnancy, preparing for childbirth, baby’s arrival home and how family life impacts pregnancy. Informative resources are provided to participants to share with families.
With in-depth consultation and follow-up, we are here to answer all of your questions.
Perinatal Mental Health 101 The Perinatal Mental Health training examines the baby blues, postpartum and prenatal depression and other related mental heath concerns during this time period. This training reviews the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in-depth and teaches participants how to score the scale with mothers and fathers. Learners will walk away with warning signs and strategies for communicating concerns with families. COURSES Our C O N T I N U E D
Positive Discipline and Guidance Strategies The Positive Discipline and Guidance Strategies training offers practical and positive ways that teach families how to deal with typical child discipline issues. Participants learn ways to match various positive guidance strategies with specific behavior issues through conversation and role play.
Purposeful Conversations About Substance Use Purposeful Conversations About Substance Use training explores the effects that "substance addicted" parents have on their children. This training reviews indicators of substance abuse, dynamics in substance-abusing families, the relationship between substance abuse and child abuse and maintaining healthy boundaries between families and staff. Participants practice their skills and role play "purposeful conversations" based on the principles of Motivational Interviewing and reflective listening.
Many trainings include fun,
COURSES Our C O N T I N U E D Red Flags, Gold Stars The Red Flags, Gold Stars training identifies seven Red Flag risk factors which have shown to contribute to child abuse and neglect. The Gold Stars refer to the protective factors that, when in place, mitigate those risk factors and help parents cope with stressors, strengthen families and promote well-being. This training practices role play to further the participant's conversational skills.
engaging activities that help amplify the course.
Revisit, Rethink, Renew: The Art of Resiliency in Times of Change The 3 Rs training is intended to assist participants in processing feelings and thoughts around sudden, abrupt changes in life and the workplace, such as illness and/or layoffs due to budget cuts. This training addresses grief, trauma, compassion fatigue, stress, humor, self-care and team building.
Staff Safety: A Safe and Healthy Workplace Safety is every organization's top priority. Many jobs take employees out of the workplace to conduct business with families and clients. This training details what preparation is necessary to ensure an employee's safety before, during, and after a visit, as well as action steps to take in special situations and unexpected encounters.
All levels of professionals can benefit from our courses!
Strategies for Effectively Engaging and Re-engaging Families Strategies for Effectively Engaging and Re-engaging Families training explores the roles and responsibilities around family engagement and disengagement. Staff explore how burnout, compassion fatigue and unconscious bias may affect their relationship in building trust with families to keep them engaged and retained in services. Each training is customized based on identified needs and reasons why families are disengaging from program services.
Supporting Families Affected by Domestic Violence The Domestic Violence training reviews the indicators and dynamics of domestic and intimate partner violence, including the effects domestic violence has on children and the family. This training provides the helper with empowerment-based strategies and services when working with families affected by domestic violence. As this training may bring up strong emotions for some participants, guided imagery is used throughout to stay calm and regulate a neutral inner state.
Taming the Dragon Taming the Dragon training reviews the definitions and reasons that lead to burnout, compassion fatigue and primary and secondary trauma. Participants learn how their "dragon" may affect others when talking about experienced trauma. This training uses tools such as a plate, balance map, reflection writing and guided imagery to illustrate mindful practices and self-awareness. This training is based on the work by Francois Mathieu.
Courses relevant to the child welfare, case management, mental health, education professions and more
The Impact of Child Abuse and Neglect: What Can be Done? The Child Abuse and Neglect training is intended to assist staff in learning about the indicators of child abuse and neglect, mandated reporting and prevention strategies that can be used with families. A component of training focuses on choosing a safe caregiver, preventing abusive head trauma and promoting safe sleep practices. Participants engage in role play exercises and view videos to reinforce the ideas in training.
The Supervisor Series This six-part module series for supervisors addresses areas of supervision styles, learning styles of staff, documentation of supervision notes, reflective supervision, problem talk with staff, motivational interviewing, goal planning and workplace essentials including personal and professional boundaries, compassion fatigue and work environment safety. All sessions include role play and a self-care activity.
Working With Families Who Have Mental Health Issues The Mental Health training educates staff on the various mental health issues families face. This training facilitates discussion on mental health factors that impact the parent-child relationship and helps staff develop various strategies for working with families who have mental health issues.
The Seven Red Flags of Child Abuse and Neglect
This training presents important information regarding seven key risk factors commonly associated with child abuse and neglect within the context of the parent, family, child and the environment. The training reviews practical tools to strengthen and support families to minimize risks.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs are traumatic events that occur in childhood that can lead to chronic health problems and substance use later in life. This training takes a dive into the biology of stress, the amazing brain, protective factors that support and mitigate the effects of ACEs and strengthening and support for parents who experienced ACEs.
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Depression screening can be the first step in identifying moms who are currently suffering or may be at risk for a perinatal mood disorder. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is an easy to administer, self-report questionnaire to assist in identifying possible symptoms of depression in the postnatal period. This training will walk the participants through the learning process of administering the tool with parents.
Mental Health This training explores several subtopics under the broader topic of mental health, including promotion of positive mental health, behavioral signs of mental health issues, depression, perinatal mood disorders, coping with loss, strategies for working with families with mental health issues, mental health emergencies and referral resources for mental health.
10 Additional asynchronous topics: A Guide to Empathy at Work, Boundaries and Burnout, Family Mental Health, Motivating Your Team, Motivational Interviewing, Professional Practice, Protective Factors, Self-Care for Home Visitors, Setting Goals That Actually Work, Supporting the Parent- Child Relationship and Time Management Essentials.
Contact Us
Our training program offers the full complement of education hours and content areas that you need to fulfill the training requirements for your certification.
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Chesley Richardson, Executive Director Prevent Child Abuse Florida
(850) 488-1752 x 306
Anne Knox, Sr. Training Specialist Prevent Child Abuse Florida
(850) 488-1752 x 305
111 N Gadsden St Tallahassee, Florida 32301
(850) 921-4494
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