Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and Prevent Child Abuse…


The Seven Red Flags of Child Abuse and Neglect

This training presents important information regarding seven key risk factors commonly associated with child abuse and neglect within the context of the parent, family, child and the environment. The training reviews practical tools to strengthen and support families to minimize risks.

Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACEs are traumatic events that occur in childhood that can lead to chronic health problems and substance use later in life. This training takes a dive into the biology of stress, the amazing brain, protective factors that support and mitigate the effects of ACEs and strengthening and support for parents who experienced ACEs.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Depression screening can be the first step in identifying moms who are currently suffering or may be at risk for a perinatal mood disorder. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is an easy to administer, self-report questionnaire to assist in identifying possible symptoms of depression in the postnatal period. This training will walk the participants through the learning process of administering the tool with parents.

Mental Health This training explores several subtopics under the broader topic of mental health, including promotion of positive mental health, behavioral signs of mental health issues, depression, perinatal mood disorders, coping with loss, strategies for working with families with mental health issues, mental health emergencies and referral resources for mental health.

10 Additional asynchronous topics: A Guide to Empathy at Work, Boundaries and Burnout, Family Mental Health, Motivating Your Team, Motivational Interviewing, Professional Practice, Protective Factors, Self-Care for Home Visitors, Setting Goals That Actually Work, Supporting the Parent- Child Relationship and Time Management Essentials.

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