Every course is designed to be flexible and tailored for your specific needs
COURSES Our A New View of the ASQ™ A New View of the ASQ™ training explores a child’s physical and social emotional development using both the Ages and Stages 3 Questionnaire and the Ages and Stages Social Emotional Questionnaires. The training includes introducing the tool to parents, practice with scoring the screenings, talking with parents about results, recommendations and making referrals.
ACEs in the Delivery Room ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) in the Delivery Room training explores Florida birth outcomes, the role ACEs have on birth outcomes and what the barriers to discussing ACEs are. Participants identify concrete strategies and advocacy supports for the birth person throughout pregnancy and in the delivery room.
Building Protective Factors
Building Protective Factors within local communities is the single most important way we can take steps to keep children safe. This course covers early brain development, Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Protective Factor Framework. When appropriate, this training can provide technical assistance for community based organizations to improve their service delivery.
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