With in-depth consultation and follow-up, we are here to answer all of your questions.
Perinatal Mental Health 101 The Perinatal Mental Health training examines the baby blues, postpartum and prenatal depression and other related mental heath concerns during this time period. This training reviews the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in-depth and teaches participants how to score the scale with mothers and fathers. Learners will walk away with warning signs and strategies for communicating concerns with families. COURSES Our C O N T I N U E D
Positive Discipline and Guidance Strategies The Positive Discipline and Guidance Strategies training offers practical and positive ways that teach families how to deal with typical child discipline issues. Participants learn ways to match various positive guidance strategies with specific behavior issues through conversation and role play.
Purposeful Conversations About Substance Use Purposeful Conversations About Substance Use training explores the effects that "substance addicted" parents have on their children. This training reviews indicators of substance abuse, dynamics in substance-abusing families, the relationship between substance abuse and child abuse and maintaining healthy boundaries between families and staff. Participants practice their skills and role play "purposeful conversations" based on the principles of Motivational Interviewing and reflective listening.
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