Real Estate Journal
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal Publisher, Conference Producer ......................................Linda Christman AVP, Conference Producer . .................................................Lea Christman Associate Publisher ................................................................Steve Kelley Associate Publisher .................................................................. Kim Brunet Senior Editor/Graphic Artist ................................................ Karen Vachon Publisher .............................................................................. Miriam Buttrick Contributing Columnists ...................... LeClairRyan; David Schlussel,Key Properties; Jagjeevan Kaur Ruitenberg (Jill), Ruitenberg Lind Design Group; Brian R. Fennelly, PE, LSRP, Fennelly Environmental Associates, LLC Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal — Published Semi-Monthly Periodicals postage paid at Rockland, Massachusetts and additional mailing offices Postmaster send address change to: Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, 350 Lincoln St., Suite 1105 Hingham, MA 02043 USPS #22-358 | Vol. 30, Issue 3 Subscription rates: $99 - one year, $148 - two years, $4 - single copy REPORT AN ERROR IMMEDIATELY MARE Journal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion 781-740-2900 | Fax: 781-740-2929 www.marejournal.com The views expressed by contributing columnists are not necessarily representative of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Companies Should Exercise Due Diligence Prior To Hiring Third- Party Drone Services T Mark Dombroff hird-party drone com- panies are helping U.S. businesses with film- ing, testing, spraying and much more. But before hiring someone to fly a drone on your behalf, it is wise to carefully consider the regulatory and risk-management questions that can arise as a result of the relationship, writes veteran LeClairRyan aviation attorney Mark Dombroff in a new post at CorporateComplianceIn- sights.com. “Whenever drones are flown for commercial purposes—ev- erything from wedding pho- tography to inspection of in- dustrial smokestacks—their use is subject to Part 107 of the Federal Aviation Regu- lations,” writes Dombroff, a shareholder in the national law firm’s Alexandria office and co-leader of its aviation in- dustry practice. “That means that companies, when they hire drone-operating vendors, need to carefully scrutinize those vendors’ compliance status.” In the post (“Lessons in Liability: Drones 101”), Dom-
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broff discusses some of the risks in this area and offers four specific tips to help com- panies shield themselves from liability. In today’s economy, he writes, companies are increas- ingly using drones for a wide range of purposes, such as inspecting gas pipelines, tak- ing real estate photographs or “delivering” products as part of marketing campaigns. Un- manned Aerial Systems (UAS) even promise to improve safety in some circumstances. “What would you rather do,” the at- torney writes, “climb a 200- foot tower or use a drone to conduct that inspection?” Nonetheless, the prospect of UAS occasionally being involved in accidents is quite real, Dombroff notes. He points to three recent accidents in which drones were involved
in collisions (with a U.S. Army Black Hawk Helicopter, fans sitting in the upper deck at a baseball stadium and a plane on its approach to an airport in Quebec). The attorney also cites hypo- thetical “nightmare scenarios” involving lack of compliance on the part of drone pilots hired by a company. “A utility unknowingly hires an unli- censed, inexperienced drone operator to inspect some power lines,” he writes. “After the pilot hits a line and causes the drone to careen onto a nearby highway, a deadly traffic acci- dent ensues. Could the utility be sued? Absolutely.” Before hiring a vendor for drone-related services, Dombroff advises, companies should consider taking the following steps: continued on page 3A
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