
2D — August 20 - September 16, 2021 — 40 Under 40 — M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal


40 U nder 40

Tom Scatuorchio, The Kislak Company, Inc. “Don’t be afraid to change your course & adjust your goals, if you feel passionate about something”


trends. It is also useful for vis- ibility and staying connected but cannot replace face-to-face

in your profession? I take the same enthusiastic approach to every deal I’m

hat is your great- est professional accomplishment?

Tom Scatuorchio Vice President Years with company/firm: 5 Years in field: 5 Years in real estate industry: 5 Real estate organizations/ affiliations: POA, NJAA

One of my most impactful accomplishments was being awarded the Rookie of The Year award in my 1st year at Kislak, as well as 1st year year in CRE. In an industry where it is difficult to initially gain traction, this gave me a renewed energy to keep on hustling and confirmed that I was on a path toward contin- ued success. What is your most no- table project, deal or trans- action? During the height of Co-

During the height of Covid-19, I closed two Morris County deals for one buyer totaling 166,000 s/f, with an aggregate price of $14,900,000. Both transactions closed close together in midst of the pandemic, forcing us to overcome many unique obstacles.

and verbal interactions. Deals are ultimately done through more substantial communica- tion and strong relationships with clients. What unique qualities and or personality do you feel makes you most successful

hired to sell. No matter the asset type or market impact, I find that having a very pro - active approach allows me to understand all the nuances of the transaction. Even on smaller deals, being hands-on directly translates to knowl- edge gained through experi- ence. This allows me to tackle obstacles with an even-keeled attitude and successfully work through solutions with my clients. What outside activities do you enjoy during you free time? Staying active is extremely important to me, both physi- cally and mentally. I love swimming, skiing, tennis, yoga and running. In Novem- ber of 2022 I will complete my 2nd New York City Marathon. What inspiring word of advice would you give to a young executive graduat- ing from college today? Don’t be afraid to change your course and adjust your goals, if you feel passionate about something. I started my post-college career in the shipping/logistics industry, and after six year’s in that field I transitioned to CRE in - vestment sales. I had learned many valuable skills along the way, but taking that leap to a different career path in CRE has proven to be exponentially more fulfilling. MAREJ

vid-19, I closed two Morris County deals for one buyer to- taling 166,000 s/f, with an ag- gregate price of $14,900,000. Both transactions closed close together in midst of the pan- demic, forcing us to over- come many unique obstacles.

I worked very closely with my sellers and buyer to ensure both deals were a success. What impact has social media/networking had on your career? Social media is a great tool for staying on top of market


to Tom Scatuorchio, Vice President for recognition in the 40 Under 40 Spotlight .

We celebrate his accomplishments and honor his hard work, integrity, and client dedication.

40 Under 40

a section of the MARE Journal Phone: 781-740-2900

Fax: 781-740-2929 www.marej.com S ection P ublishers Linda Christman lchristman@marejournal.com Lea Christman lea@marejournal.com S ection E ditor Karen Vachon editor@marejournal.com

The Kislak Company, Inc. | kislakrealty.com | 732 750 3000

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