Raise_2022 Evaluation & Annual Report_Web

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References Annual report, page 7

Evaluation report, page 2 1. Mission Australia Youth Survey, 2022 2. Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2022 National Report on Schooling in Australia 2020. 3. Li, S., et al., The impact of COVID-19 on the lives and mental health of Australian adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2020.

1. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/media/statistics 2. Mission Australia Youth Survey 2022 Report, page 12. 3. Mission Australia Youth Survey 2022 Report, page 10. 4. 1 in 6 – REF 4 Mission Australia Youth Survey 2022 Report, page 33. 5. Suicide Prevention Australia; https://www.suicide preventionaust.org/news/statsandfacts. 6. Survey of Education and Work, ABS, 2021. 7. PwC for Alannah and Madeleine Foundation, page i. 8. Mission Australia Youth Survey 2022, page 20

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In response to supporting the vital services outlined in this Annual Report, you can make a donation online by scanning the QR code below or via EFT. Via EFT Account: Westpac Bank BSB: 032 097 Account number: 278 223 Payment reference: Your full name To receive a receipt for donations via bank transfer, please email donations@raise.org.au with your contact details and quote the payment reference. By scanning the QR code

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