SCF - Southern Co-op Funeral Plan

Pre-paid funeral plans

Frequently asked questions

We want to make choosing your funeral plan as simple as possible, so we’ve answered the questions we’re most frequently asked below. If you have a query that we haven’t answered here, don’t worry. Just contact a member of our friendly, knowledgeable funeral planning team and we will be happy to help.

Will a funeral plan cover costs if I die abroad? Our funeral plans do not cover funerals that take place aboard or the cost of repatriation. If you plan to go abroad, you should ensure that your travel or medical insurance policy includes full cover for repatriation costs. Our friendly Funeral & Memorial Consultants can help support you and organise the repatriation if required. What if I die away from home within Great Britain and Northern Ireland? Included in our funeral plans is the collection and transfer of the deceased to a resting place to a specified maximum mile radius. If you need to be transported further than that specified, extra charges will apply. How will the person arranging my funeral know what to do when the time comes? We recommend that every plan holder nominates a representative at time of purchase. It is important to let your nominated representative and/or executor know that you have arranged a funeral plan and where the funeral plan certificate can be found. At time of need, they must contact your nominated funeral home who will organise the funeral arrangements specified in the funeral plan.

Funeral Planning Team 0800 243 380 Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

About our plans Who will be providing my funeral? Your funeral will be carried out by one of our funeral homes or one of our partner funeral homes if you relocate outside of our normal trading area. You will choose your funeral home when you buy your funeral plan (this can be changed at any time). Who can arrange a funeral plan with us? Our funeral plans are available to anyone aged 18 and over. You can arrange a funeral plan for yourself or on behalf of a partner, relative or friend. Do I need a medical to purchase a funeral plan? No, there is no medical required when applying for a funeral plan, however you should consider whether ongoing ill health could affect your ability to pay for the plan or make decisions.


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