SCF - Southern Co-op Funeral Plan

Pre-paid funeral plans

Additional peace of mind

What benefits will I receive as a Southern Co-op member? Please visit for the most up to date information on Southern Co-op membership benefit entitlements. To find out more about the benefits of membership and to become a member call 0800 652 0124 , visit us online at or email How we keep your All monies paid towards Southern Co-operative funeral plans (excluding admin and instalment fees) are invested in a regulated whole of life insurance policy in accordance with our statutory obligations. When you buy a plan from Southern Co-operative Funerals we buy a whole of life insurance policy with Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited (Royal London). Royal London is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. money safe Is my money safe?

What additional safeguards are in place? All of our funeral homes are members of the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD). In the unlikely event our business is no longer trading, you will be protected via the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).


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