SCF - Southern Co-op Funeral Plan

Pre-paid funeral plans

Funeral Cost Forecast*



126% The percentage average funeral costs have risen since 2004.






Whatever type of personalised funeral plan you choose, the cost of all products, services and third party charges selected in your plan are fixed, therefore there will be nothing more to pay**. If your family wants to add their own personal finishing touches to your funeral, these can be easily added and paid for when the time comes. **Please note, burial plot costs are not included with any of our funeral plans and will need to be purchased separately. Excludes our online Simple plan where only a contribution is paid towards the cost of disbursements, any shortfall will need to be paid for at the time of the funeral. Subject to the funeral plan being paid in full or once outside the moratorium period (12 months).









£4,115 £4,184 £4,056


23 22

£4,141 £4,592

25 Predicted costs 24 Predicted costs



26 Predicted costs

*Source: Sunlife Cost of Dying Report 2024


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