Metamorphosis Escaping the destructive cycle of addiction is no easy feat, especially, says Payton, for the many residents who enter the program with “literally nothing” - no identification, no belongings, oftentimes approaching a state of hopelessness. “Some people can’t get clean because they’re worrying about not having a place to live,” Payton says. “I let them know that as long as I’m living, they never have to worry about having a roof over their heads.” With a new home, new community and programs in place to help residents regain stability, Payton has seen lives transformed time and again. “The blessing is to watch the lives of people change,” she says. “It’s like they’re in a cocoon when they get here, and when they come out they’re like a butterfly.”
“As long as I’m living, they never have to worry about having a roof over their
heads.” –Renee Payton
Growing in faith and numbers In addition to giving, Payton cites faith as a key factor for a successful recovery. “When you are in recovery, the spiritual part is the first part,” she says. She says that giving her life over to God sparked her own recovery from drug addiction and crime more than two decades ago, and she watches the pattern repeat itself through WWIV & EMSC clients. They attend church together every week at Holy Ghost Headquarters. “I’ve watched and seen people with faith come from nothing and get jobs,” she says. “I’ve seen them come from here and open up recovery houses of their own.” As some clients branch out and open their own recovery houses, WWIV & EMSC is growing, too. Payton hopes to bring the program to Delaware, a state she says is in dire need of recovery houses. She also looks forward to increasing the number and scope of resources available to clients. And she remains modest, attributing all the success to a Higher Power. “You know God has His hand in things when you have no funding and yet continue to grow as a community and expand,” she says. “All I did was put myself in the position to be used by Him.”
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