Hard work pays off James takes his role of house manager seriously, saying he tries to lead by example and show that recovery is possible even after de- cades of addiction. He says every- one in his home works to support one another and keep each other moving in the right direction. “The program here at the house is great because it’s an atmosphere of recovery,” James says. “We’re our own leaders.”
change, gradually,” James says. “You have to work to get where I’m at today.” James is looking to enroll in school this fall with the hopes of becom- ing a behavioral specialist. He knows the classes will be difficult, but he’s accustomed to hard work. He understands better than most that change doesn’t come easily or quickly, but he says he’s excited to continue on his long journey to recovery. “Through this process, I see the
“You have to work to get where I’m at today.” - Darrien James , EMSC client
WWVEM staff pictured from left to right: Tesla Wills, Christine Scott, Lisa Smith
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