Men of the House Empowered Men Service Center brings men together to live and grow in recovery

mpowered Men Service Center (EMSC) is based on a simple premise: “We get them in and we house them, and we make them feel at home,” says Christine Scott, oce manager at Women Walking in Victory and Empowered Men Service Center (WWV & EMSC). And in recovery, simplicity is key. It empowers people to make the process a personal endeavor, to establish their own support networks and discover which new ways to cope are most e‚ective for them. Founded in 2010, the men’s housing side of WWV & EMSC a‚ords men a service that has been helping women and children recover successfully since 2000 under the guidance of founder and CEO Renee Payton. ‹e transformations that occur under the seven roofs of EMSC are bold, complex and life-altering.‹ey are anything but simple. E


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