MelitaLeader Guide 2025

Camp Policies Uniforms

Our Scout uniform promotes group spirit and designates equality. At camp, the official Scout uniform is appropriate at any time. Staff wear their activity uniform for the morning flag ceremony, breakfast, lunch, and throughout the day. The field uniform is worn for the evening flag ceremony, dinner, and other ceremonies. It is

each unit’s discretion when to require a uniform be worn. Appropriate Clothing, Footwear, & Swimwear

At all times, participants and staff must wear clothing and swim-wear that is considered Scout-appropriate. It is the responsibility of the unit to determine and monitor the dress code and swimwear of their Scouts and adult leaders. If an adult leader has concerns with a Scout’s attire, this should be addressed with the unit leader directly, not the Scout. Closed-toe shoes must be worn throughout camp. The waterfront at Melita has a rocky shore, so it is highly recommended that participants bring and wear water shoes for aquatic activities. Restricted Items Personal handguns, rifles, ammunition, slingshots, wrist rockets, archery bows/arrows, and fireworks of any kind are prohibited in camp. All Scouts who wish to carry a pocketknife are required to have a Totin’ Chip. Those who do not already have one may earn it in camp. Alcoholic beverages and drugs are NOT PERMITTED at Montana Council Camps. Smoking/vaping is allowed only in specified smoking areas away from the Scouts. NOTE: Scouting America does not permit the possession or use of marijuana or marijuana/THC/CBD products, even if medically prescribed. Off-Limits Areas The sawmill yard and eagle preserve are off-limits. The staff campsite area and individual unit campsites are a group’s homes for their time at camp. Permission to enter should be requested and received before entry. The rest of the island is free to explore, though we ask you follow the Buddy System and practice Leave No Trace guidelines. This helps preserve the property for future generations. Swimming is not permitted off of campsites. Discipline Discipline in camp is primarily the responsibility of the unit leadership. The rules of camp are the Scout Oath and Law. The unit leadership and Camp Director will deal with infractions of camp rules and policies. Serious infractions may lead to the offending person being sent home. It is the responsibility of unit leaders to provide a way to return them home.

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