MelitaLeader Guide 2025

Youth Protection

Current Youth Protection Training is required for all participants ages 18 and above. It is expected that unit leaders be familiar with, follow, and enforce the Scouting America policies regarding Youth Protection. Any violation of Youth Protection Policies must be reported. Please refer to the Guide to Safe Scouting for the most up-to-date policies. • Two-Deep Leadership: Each unit must have at least two unit-registered adults (21 or older) in attendance. Units with female Scouts must have at least one female adult (21+). • The Buddy System: The buddy system is used whenever youth members are outside the line of sight of qualified adult leadership. Buddies are two and can also be three to prevent youth members from being alone. A buddy pair cannot be mixed gender. Where appropriate, a third youth must be added (for a buddy group of 3). • Privacy and separate facilities: Youth sharing tents must not be more than 2 years apart in age. Adults and youth never share a tent unless an exceptional circumstance warrants a parent/legal guardian to share one with their same-gender child. Youth siblings of the same gender may share sleeping accommodations with permission from their parents/legal guardians. • Campsites must be arranged to separate genders adequately through natural barriers, physical distance, etc. Adults are responsible for establishing the barriers and reminding Scouts that members of one gender must not enter the tent/housing of another. • Melita Island has individual bathrooms. Adults should closely monitor these areas but only enter as needed for youth protection or health and safety reasons. • The use of smartphones, cameras, mirrors, drones, etc., in places or situations where privacy is expected is prohibited. • No one-on-one contact: Interactions between youth and adults must take place within plain sight of others. At no time may an adult be alone (one- on-one) with a Scout.

• All aspects of the Scouting program are open to observation by parents and leaders. • Scouting America does not recognize any secret organizations as part of its program. • Hazing and initiations are prohibited and have no part during any Scouting activity. • All forms of bullying and harassment including verbal, physical, and cyberbullying are prohibited. • Sexual activity is prohibited. • Appropriate attire is required for all youth and adults for all activities. Allegations and investigations follow the procedures of Scouting America’s Youth Protection policies, including the immediate removal of alleged perpetrators. Child Abuse Reporting Any staff or adult leader/volunteer must report any suspected or actual child abuse or neglect immediately. Reporting is mandatory. Suspected or actual abuse or neglect should be reported to the Camp Director and local authorities, such as the police and/or Montana DPHHS Child and Family Services Division (CFSD) at 1-866-820-5437. Scouts First Helpline As part of its “Scouts First” approach to the protection and safety of youth, Scouting America has established a dedicated 24-hour helpline to receive reports of known or suspected abuse or behavior that might put a youth at risk. 1-844-SCOUTS1 (1-844-726-8871) When to use it: • Anytime you believe a youth has been harmed or their safety and well-being are at risk and you cannot immediately reach your Scout Executive or local council. • If a youth is bullied because of race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, and local help is unable to resolve the problem. If someone is at immediate risk of harm, always call 911.

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