Medical Policies
First aid begins with the unit. Each unit should have a well-stocked first aid kit to provide basic first aid for the unit’s Scouts and adults. Melita Island’s health lodge is staffed by a Camp Health Officer trained to handle minor accidents and illnesses. Special arrangements for treating more serious cases have been made with physicians in the towns of Polson and Kalispell. If treatment is required, the camper’s parents will be notified and their desires concerning further treatment will be respected. If parents/guardians are not home during the week of camp, please provide where they can be located. It is the responsibility of the unit’s leadership to provide transportation for unit member(s) requiring services from a doctor or hospital. The camp will provide transportation only when a unit has inadequate transportation or if an injury requires medical staff in attendance. An adult leader from the unit will accompany the unit member(s) requiring services to a doctor or hospital. Per the Guide to Safe Scouting, “no one-on-one contact is permitted between a Scout and a non- parental adult.” Therefore, two adults or an additional Scout should accompany a youth to the hospital. The adult leader must obtain the Scout’s health record and any insurance forms from the Camp Health Officer before going to the doctor or hospital. The Camp Health Officer must clear all cases requiring outside medical care. This is an agreement with the local health services facility, insurance company, and claim procedures. Those leaving camp for medical
reasons of any nature should check out with the Camp Health Officer. Upon returning to camp, they should check in with the Health Officer and show documentation of release and any medical restrictions/ care. If not returning to camp, notify the Camp Director at 406-250-0746. Prescription Medication Unit leaders are responsible for storing, administering, and documenting unit member(s) medications. Scouting America’s national standards require that all prescription and over-the-counter medications be stored under lock. The exception is for a limited amount of medication to be carried by a camper for life-threatening conditions, such as EpiPens, heart medications, inhalers, etc. Please bring medication in a locked box to camp. The camp has a limited supply of over-the-counter medications available for use. ALL medications, including over-the-counter, are to be kept in the original container clearly labeled with the dosing instructions. It is recommended that only the week’s supply of prescribed medications be brought to camp. Refrigeration is available in the health lodge if necessary. Please remember to pick up any medications secured with the Camp Health Officer before departure. Any medications left behind by units will be destroyed. NOTE: Scouting America does not permit the use of marijuana in any form for any purpose. This includes medical marijuana.
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