MelitaLeader Guide 2025


The following instructions are for your guidance in case of emergency. The camp administration reviews these procedures before publication as well as in late June, before the arrival of any participants. Any changes to these procedures will be communicated upon arrival and updated procedures will be posted. Review these with your unit before coming to camp. The camp will demonstrate the emergency siren on the first evening of camp. We will be conducting a test of your response and this system within 24 hours of your arrival. In any emergency, the Camp Director and Camp Ranger hold the ultimate decision-making authority. If the media should arrive, all questions should be referred to the Camp Director. Unit leader and Scout assistance during an emergency is crucial. Please remember to comply with the instructions provided by the camp administration. Camp Wide Emergencies 1. Any emergency must be reported to the Camp Director, Camp Ranger, Program Director, or an available staff member. 2. The camp administration will sound the siren if deemed necessary. For emergencies requiring a camp gathering in the flag complex, you will hear three short blasts. 3. When the siren is heard, all program areas will close and all staff members will direct Scouts and adult leaders to report immediately to the flag complex. Staff members will report to the lodge steps. No one will return to their campsite for any reason until released. 4. Once units are assembled, each unit will account for their Scouts and adult leaders. The Troop

Guide will receive the unit status and deliver it to the Camp Director. This is to be accomplished as quickly as possible. 5. Once the unit status and headcount have been reported, the Camp Director will issue emergency instructions for the remaining staff members and assembled units. Scoutmasters may be summoned for details of evacuation or other immediate emergencies. 6. Staff members will stand by for any additional instructions or responsibilities. NOTE: Any of the following emergencies must be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Camp Director. Severe Weather High winds, hail, severe thunder/lightning storms, and/or tornadoes are examples of severe weather that might occur at Melita Island. 1. The Camp Director, in consultation with the Camp Ranger, will decide the safest place for the Scouts, leaders, and staff members depending on the severity of the weather. This information will be relayed to the units through the most expeditious means. This may be the digital communication system or a staff member going to each site. 2. If Scouts and leaders need to be assembled in the main building, they will do so in an orderly manner under the direction of the staff and unit adult leaders. Instructions will be relayed to the units concerning any equipment they need to bring with them (e.g. sleeping bags). 3. If necessary, emergency shelter can be taken in any bathroom/shower house building, the main lodge, trading post, etc.

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