MelitaLeader Guide 2025

and other radio-equipped staff should keep them low and to their ears. All staff will re- ceive updates through proper communication channels. 4. After the camp is deemed safe, an “all clear” message will be sent out and the horn will sound five times. 5. Once the “all clear” is sent, ALL staff, Scouts, Scouters, and visitors will gather at the flag complex. Follow all Law Enforcement instructions!!!

Child Abuse 1. If there are reasonable suspicions of child abuse, it must be reported to the Camp Director immediately. Do not discuss the situation with anyone else. All Scouting volunteers have the responsibility to report suspicion of abuse and/or violations of Youth Protection Policies. The Scouts First Helpline (1-844-SCOUTS1) is a 24-hour helpline to receive reports of known or suspected behavior that might put a youth at risk. 2. The Camp Director will report the suspicions to the Scout/Council Executive. 3. The four types of child abuse include physical, sexual, emotional, and neglect. 4. Scouting America requires suspicion of child abuse or neglect be reported to the appropriate authorities. Montana Child and Family Services line is 1-866-820-5437 Active Shooter/Aggressive Person See something, Say something. If any individual, youth or adult, is acting inap- propriately, it is the responsibility of every indi- vidual to report the action to staff leadership. If anyone has an uneasy feeling about a visitor, participant, adult leader, staff member, or feels unsafe, they are responsible for sharing this with staff leadership. In the case of an active shooter or aggressive person: 1. Camp will go into an immediate lockdown. To initiate this, staff identifying the shooter or ag- gressor will send out a radio call. A member of the camp administration team will send a message via the digital communication sys- tem and will initiate continuous blasts on the camp emergency siren. 2. Scouts, adult leaders, staff, and visitors should seek shelter when possible. Getting into the bathroom/shower houses and locking the doors provide a haven for all. If it is not possible to get to the bathrooms or showers safely, seek shelter in the nearest building or find a hiding place in the woods. 3. The Camp Director or Camp Ranger will notify law enforcement. Information will be shared using text messages, email, or our digital communication system. Area Directors

Principles of Run,Hide, Fight

Run: • Have an escape route and plan in mind • Leave your belongings behind • Keep your hands visible Hide: • Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view • Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors • Silence your cell phone • Do not open or unlock a door for anyone besides law enforcement officers. Fight: • As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter • Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter

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