MelitaLeader Guide 2025

Evacuation of Camp 1. Any evacuation contingency will be under the direction of the Camp Director. While the sole responsibility rests with the Camp Director, any evacuation plan will require the complete cooperation of Scouts and unit leaders. Logistically, evacuation can be a difficult process, so instructions must be carried out correctly and without hesitation. 2. The Camp Director or Camp Ranger will sound the siren. 3. When the siren is heard, all program areas will close and all staff members will direct Scouts and adult leaders to report immediately to the flag complex. Staff members will report to the lodge steps. No one will return to their campsite for any reason until released. 4. Once units are assembled, each unit will account for their Scouts and adult leaders. The Troop Guide will receive the unit status and deliver it to the Camp Director. This is to be accomplished as quickly as possible. 5. Once the unit status and headcount have been reported, the Camp Director will issue emergency instructions for the remaining staff members and assembled units. Scoutmasters may be summoned for details of evacuation. Once all Scouts, adult leaders, and staff are accounted for, the Camp Director will oversee the movement of everyone to the evacuation site. 6. If evacuation time allows, personnel may take ONLY those items that are necessary and capable of carrying in a backpack, such as clothing, bedding, and first aid supplies. If time does not allow, then evacuation will take place without returning to individual campsites. 7. All Scouts, leaders, and staff must proceed as quickly as possible and in an orderly manner to the evacuation site. This will be accomplished under the direction of the unit leaders, Troop Guides, and designated staff personnel. 8. It is extremely important that groups stay together while evacuating. All Scouts and adults must go no faster than the slowest person in your group. YOU MUST REMAIN TOGETHER. 9. The Camp Director will notify the proper authorities before leaving camp.

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