What to Bring to Camp
Very Important _____ Printed Annual Health and Medical Record (parts A, B, & C) for EVERY youth and adult _____ Prescription and routine medication in original bottles and in a lockable container Personal
Optional ____ Camera ____ Spending money ____ Fishing gear ____ Patches for trading (Council CSPs, event patches, unit patches, etc.) ____ Themed apparel (more information in the program guide in the Spring) ____ Items required for prerequisites (list in the Spring) Unit Packing List ____ Troop/Unit Flag ____ Lockbox for medication ____ Unit roster showing proof of membership and completion of YPT ____ ACE forms for those signed up for the program
____ Scout Uniform ____ Scout T-shirts
____ Shorts ____ Pants ____ Several pairs of socks ____ Underwear ____ Pajamas ____ Sweatshirt/jacket ____ Raincoat/poncho ____ Hat
____ Swimsuit ____ OA sash ____ Closed-toe shoes (sneakers, hiking boots, etc.) ____ Water shoes ____ Backpack/Daypack ____ Towel (shower/swimming) ____ Washcloth ____ Soap
____ Toothbrush ____ Toothpaste ____ Chapstick ____ Sleeping bag ____ Sleeping pad ____ Pillow
____ Water bottle ____ Pocket knife ____ Scout Handbook ____ Flashlight (extra batteries) ____ First Aid Kit ____ Sunscreen/Insect repellent ____ Sunglasses ____ Stationary supplies ____ Pencil/notepad
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