Zero Emissions Bus Fleet LAX has a total of 50 buses in its fleet
LAX Vehicle Fuel Use LAX celebrated the arrival of its
LAX’s first heavy-duty electric truck ©LAWA
first heavy-duty electric truck , a Nikola Tre battery electric vehicle (BEV). LAWA is the first government entity to acquire this model of truck which will be used to move heavy- duty equipment and transport construction materials. Electric Vehicle Purchasing Policy LAWA updated its EV Purchasing Policy in 2022. Updates included: 25% of LAWA’s sedan fleet to be EV by 2023 100% of LAWA’s sedan fleet to be EV 2031 Pursue a zero-emission first purchasing policy for other light-duty vehicles in the fleet Ground Support Equipment Emissions Policy Update LAWA continues to achieve its GSE Emissions 2023 goal of less than 1.8 grams per horsepower-hours (g/hp-h) of hydrocarbons (HC) plus nitrous oxide (NOx).
including 20 electric , 28 compressed natural gas (CNG) , 1 diesel , 1 gasoline . LAWA’s SAP identified a goal of 20% of LAWA’s owned bus fleet to be zero emissions by 2023 and 100% by 2030. As of 2022, LAWA has surpassed its 2023 goal with 40% of the LAWA owned bus fleet being electric.
The Nikola Tre BEV has a range of 330 miles on a single charge and is anticipated to have significantly reduced maintenance and fuel cost compared to non-electric trucks of its size. The introduction of an electric heavy-duty truck demonstrates LAWA’s overall commitment to creating an electric fleet.
= electric = CNG = gas = diesel = 5 buses
GHG Emissions Since 2013, total GHG Emissions for Scope 1 & 2 decreased by 39.8% to 85,122 MTCO 2 E . While LAWA saw reductions in all types of Scope 1 & 2 emissions, the largest emissions reductions were attributed to vehicles and electricity.
For 2022, the aggregated GSE emission factor for LAX was 1.16 g/hp-h of NOx+HC LAX GSE EMISSIONS GOALS 1.8 g/hp-h of NOx+HC by 2023 1.0 g/hp-h of NOx+HC by 2031
New LAX zero emissions bus ©LAWA
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